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Firstly great job Figma Font variables are here!!!

The only thing missing is the use of percentages in the line-height property.

You can not use a percentage in the line-height as it only accepts variables that are a number type.

Although the variables for line-height caters for pixel (absolute) line-heights (10,12,14)- it does not accommodate relative line heights.

In other words you can’t use percentage variables for line heights that are a percentage of the font size (100%, 120%,150%).

Interestingly …You can use a variable for letter-spacing ( which accepts a number variable - but reads it as a percentage) - the challenge remains that line heights by default are absolute not percentages - even though you can input a percentage.

Percentages allow greater flexibility and less calculations

Word around would be to allow formula in a variable

e.g. =.variable] * 1.5

Or figuring out a way for the line height to be toggle between absolute or relative application of the number variable.

+1 adding to the heap

+1 also throwing my name in the request hat. As others have mentioned, either a decimal or % would be highly useful.

I do also see adding in the ability to perform calculations based upon other aliased variables being helpful as well…that could actually be more useful to simply put in the calculation into the variable instead of storing explicit line height variables.

Thanks for listening, Figma team 🙂

Just another requestor for calculations and percentages to be made available in Variables.

Current approach is far too manual for a sustainable system. Odd that Figma have omitted things that have been available in the Figma text style pane for years.

+1 … please add this 🙏

To be honest, % would be great to have throughout the app in general (I was surprised we couldn’t set width/height to it), but this would be a great place to start. I’m sure all this will eventually culminate to Figma being a lite visual web editor with how programmatic/dynamic we are pushing Figma to be.

Still on the radar? Will it ever be released?

+1 please add percents on font variables

This is such a big issue… disappointed with the lack of response from Figma and the uncertainty waiting for it to be implemented (or not)

I heard a rumor that this feature will be added at Config '32 where their newly announced AI developer will finally start looking at the suggestion forums.

Great idea! I’m also for it!

1000% we need this. No update on this since April 😦

This is proper ridiculous. Stop fidgeting about in chat GPT and finish your freaking semi-done features.

My workaround is to duplicate the variable group of your font says and name it line-height. Then take your typescale percentage value for line height (i.e. 1.6 for perfect 4ths), and type " * 1.6" after the font value. Make sure to include space. Figma will automatically calculate the correct percentage value. Do this for each font size!

This is needed! Also seems to be similar to these threads about %:

As for me it is more importnt the AI tools and other enhancements that hace been recently added to Figma. I have a Design System and the only thing that as it comes to typography that makes me mad is lacking the line hight variable OR a formula that will accept multiplying like: variable * 1.5. Figma, please add it asap or we move to Penpoint : )

Another +1 for this. Our existing design system, which we are porting to Figma, exclusively uses percentages for line heights. With 11 line height options and 12 font size options, using variables for line height would require 132 distinct variables to be defined, and would be a major barrier to technical integration between our CSS and Figma component libraries.

This is 100% needed, line-height and letter-spacing variables are essentially useless without string input allowing for percentage based values.

1000% needed!! Most of us are working with multiple font sizes switches or responsive resizing, the % would help out a lot rather than working out formula and creating multiple collections/library just to control font sizes.

Needing this as well!

I have been thinking about this some more and it seems like the fundamental issue is Figma’s insistence that number variables cannot have units, even though the attributes we can assign those units to may have units. It seems like a way for Figma to resolve this would be to create a new variable type called “units” or something like that, which would allow things like percentage, px, rem, etc.

Alternately, there is clearly some kind of parser that takes strings and converts them into numbers with units, which is what allows us to type in values with units into various fields in the interface. Perhaps instead Figma could allow strings in fields that take units, and the same parser would interpret the string into the value/unit.


Any news on this topic?

Our frontend developers are complaining!

A MUST! Please Figma 🙏

I need this too, until then we’ll have to add it in styles but it’s much more cumbersome…

Percentual variables for line-height please! I needed badly for creating cohesive design systems.

I’m upvoting this. seems like a relatively easy fix for an issue having huge negative impact on design systems.
