At least 2 or 3 times per day, I will be going back and forth between applications and when coming back into Figma, the pinch-to-zoom on my track pad will not work. It works perfectly on every other application (even while it isn’t working on Figma). I haven’t been able to recreate the issue with a specific sequence of events. It seems to be haphazard.
Who else is experiencing this? Has anyone been able to recreate this issue? It’s not a trackpad or MacOS issue (since the pinch-to-zoom still works perfectly alongside when Figma isn’t responding to it).
Also happening to me - I’m on a MacBook Air, M1, Monterey 12.5
aaaahhhhhhhhh this drives me crazy and happens all the time!!! Please fix!!!
Please fix it. Supper annoying
This is happening to me too. Sometimes closing and reopening Figma fixes it, sometimes not. Other times using the keyboard shortcut to zoom fixes it. Really frustrating.
@Figma_Support Please fix ASAP.
if we all beg maybe it will get fixed?
Having the same issue. I’m on an iPad Pro using Figma in Figurative. When I pinch to zoom it scrolls instead of zooms. Pans diagonally to the top left when I pinch to zoom in or out.
Facing the same issues multiple times a day is super irriating when you’re between a major task.
+1. Yes, please fix! Thank you!
+1, @Azhar_P answer helped
This is happening to me too! It’s really frustrating and only happens in Figma.
This bug occurs for a really long time, and still is not fixed. It’s really frustrating.
Me too. Thought it was just me!
This bug has ben occurring for months and still hasn’t been fixed
Yep. It happens a lot and is super annoying
Toggling with the setting in Mac OS settings helped for now. But it happens several times a day still
I hate this bug with a vengeance. A teaser for Adobe Figma?
This is multiple times a day for me all year. Finally getting around to complaining about it. It’s maddening.
Still happening! Dragging the Figma file to a new window seems to resolve it (most of the time). Very frustrating.
It’s still happening. Figma stop counting the money and fix this please
macos 12.5.1 intel chip
Figma Desktop App version 116.3.8
Problem is still here. Face with it every day at least once. Always solves by itself, but what causes the solutions - have no idea. Just go to other apps and get back, usually within a minute or couple of minutes.
This was a lifesaver, thanks so much! Disabling and re-enabling System Preferences > Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom > “Zoom in and out” did the trick!
hi Figma team, you now have 20 billion usd, can you spare a billion dollars to investigate and fix this problem. it is becoming quite annoying for me to always pray for it to fix itself.
i’m messaging on this forum hoping that when i shift back on figma the problem will be gone.
frustrated figma user.