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At least 2 or 3 times per day, I will be going back and forth between applications and when coming back into Figma, the pinch-to-zoom on my track pad will not work. It works perfectly on every other application (even while it isn’t working on Figma). I haven’t been able to recreate the issue with a specific sequence of events. It seems to be haphazard.

Who else is experiencing this? Has anyone been able to recreate this issue? It’s not a trackpad or MacOS issue (since the pinch-to-zoom still works perfectly alongside when Figma isn’t responding to it).

Maybe some good news, with macOS 13.3 (Apple has just released the RC). Among the release notes, we can read “Resolves an issue where Trackpad gestures may occasionally stop responding”. I hope it concerns our problem. 🤞

A fix that works for me so far is that if you use the right click (opening the context menu in) anywhere in the Figma file (usually the empty space), in my case, two finger press on the touchpad two or three times consecutively, and just moving a cursor a couple of pixels apart before clicking/opening the context menu again.

Hope there’s a proper solution soon 🤞

Still experiencing this bug

This bug is constant/daily for me

Same here!

Since day 1 of using Figma years ago.

Pretty annoying bug this one.

It even seams to happen on specific files. I have 2 figma windows open atm, and I can pinch to zoom in one of them, but not the other…

This has been going on for the past 2 YEARS now…

Hi sorry I did not saw your message but I have recorded my screen if you need it but I can’t post it here, maybe you can give me an email adresse 🙂

Hey all,

please upgrade to the latest MacOS version. Seems like Apple might have solved the bug:

  • Resolves an issue where Trackpad gestures may occasionally stop responding

Apple Release notes

Thanks for sharing @FlorianModel! 🤞

Please do let us know if you continue to run into issues.

I think this is a bug with Figma. Not sure if other people are facing this. I am on latest MacOS using the Figma Desktop App version 116.7.103, randomly the pinch and zoom stops working. Sometimes, after a restart it works again and sometimes doesn’t. This is extremely frustrating!

I am not using FigJam, simply using Figma.

Any help/fix appreciated!

Hey @Madhu,

We merged your topic with a similar existing one. Most users in this thread had their previous issue solved when upgrading to the latest macOS.

Your issue began after upgrading your macOS - is that correct?

Yes, I think so. Do you guys have any clue why this happens? Is there a fix?

I am using MacOS ventura 13.2.1 and there’s an update, will try the latest one 13.3 to see if the problem still exists.

Thanks Madhu. Let us know if you still hit the issues there.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

I used Figma for 2 hours today and I didn’t experience the issue. Will keep an eye out and report if anything occurs.

p.s: In the email notifications I receive, there is no link to this thread (would be really handy if there was one, saves the trouble of manually typing the url and finding my way back to this discussion).

Thanks for letting us know, @Madhu!

In the notification email, there should be a link that says “Visit Topic to respond” to bring you back to this thread.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

Hard refresh solved this for me

CMD + Shift + R

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3