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I have a library full of color and text styles, but for some reason on one specific file they do not appear in the list (empty). However if I select any element it will display the correct style name i.e action blue, H3. So it recognizes the style value to the correct library, but the list will not show it when opened.

Sometimes it just shows one in the list, of whatever is selected (see image)

Things I tried:

  1. Restarted Figma

  2. Checked if the problem is happening with other designers in my org (Its not)

  3. Made sure the library has been activated (it has)

Same issue as of half an hour ago 😕

(post deleted by author)

hi! I’m having the same problems… I tried restarting, reeopening the file, restarting my computer, almost desinstalling the app and reinstalling, but it appears like its an app issue. It’s only matter of time… I guess.

Felizmente ya puedo respirar.

OMG – came here to say same.

This is such a core capability – how was a release updated that regressed this so bad!!!

I’m useless w/out this, we all are.

I thought I was going crazy~ ok not alone here - everything is gone, text styles, colors

Still broken, and the only way to keep working is to detach all styles… arghhhhhh

Glad to know it wasn’t just our files. Almost had a heart attack thinking I broke something for the whole team 😂 😭

Same here, can’t see color and type styles when applying the styles, but they’re still there in the local styles.

I noticed the same problem today, my text and color styles are not showing up either…Anybody know how to fix it?

Adobe acquisition at its best.

I’m having the same issue here. The color library I’ve been using for 6months is not showing up. Earlier today, my components weren’t showing up…

Yeah certainly it’s a bug I’m having the same problem.

Well at least im not going crazy! This is super annoying, i need my styles to work Figma!!

Hello everyone! Maybe someone faced this problem.

All the styles have disappeared from all projects. It’s the same for colors and text. I can create new styles and edit them, but I can’t apply these styles to any elements. It happened suddenly.

I tried to reload all projects. And I even reinstalled Figma by deleting all the files from here: С/User/AppData/Local/Figma. But the problem is still here.


Who gone done broke it? No color styles for this guy

mensch jürgen bring die maschine wieder zum laufen, grüße an alle aus deutschland

AHHHHH glad I’m not alone! Could not figure this out for the life of me. Hope it comes back soon!

It’s Adobe tanking Figma. Oh dear. One bug at a time.

I’ve also just opened a file and am having the same issue;

  • library files are linked

  • colour and text styles not appearing and cannot link them

I have restarted the app, restarted the file and re-linked the design system and still getting no styles to appear

Misery loves company.


Same here too! I updated Figma and now my library styles are not displaying. New files and existing files have no styles (even though the library is enabled and published).

This things happen always the day before my deadline.

Same here.

having the same issue