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I have a library full of color and text styles, but for some reason on one specific file they do not appear in the list (empty). However if I select any element it will display the correct style name i.e action blue, H3. So it recognizes the style value to the correct library, but the list will not show it when opened.

Sometimes it just shows one in the list, of whatever is selected (see image)

Things I tried:

  1. Restarted Figma

  2. Checked if the problem is happening with other designers in my org (Its not)

  3. Made sure the library has been activated (it has)

Same same - very glad I’m not the only one.

Experiencing the same issue. Thought I broke something.

The same here. This is driving me crazy

ditto! having this issue since an hour or so ago

Having the same issue. Always the best timing!

Hi, all color styles have disappeared from the list in the style selection panel. When I want to change the color of an object, then none of the saved colors are displayed in the list.

What could be the problem?

Color styles aren’t available to Figma files which use the library which they are published from. Any suggestions?

it probably has to be a bug with their new update : ( hope they get this sorted out quickly

As of today all of my styles are empty. Our design system library is enabled, but all the styles (color, text, effects) are gone. I can browse my asset library but cannot choose any styles. Help?

It was happening yesterday a bit too right? that wasn’t just me? i’ve never had an issue with updating before yesterday, or with my libraries. 🤷

trying to consolidate issues here, here is a post for the same issue

Happened to me as well now? What is going on? Are they working on a fix?

Per this issue, looks like Figma is aware and they are working on a fix

me too. same problem here

here is a post of the same issue

Same issue here. just started about 30 minutes ago (Mac user)

For me I’ve been working just fine all day until an hour ago it all just stopped. Which is when it looks like this thread started lighting up

And here I am guyz! I’ve even republished my libraries and I’ve done a lot of abra kadabra things there! Not workin’.

Yep, my libraries is completely blank here, even if I add new styles they just won’t show.

Seems to be Figma fault!

Coincidentally Chrome just updated today, but unless the desktop version has some sort of link with it, it shouldn’t be the culprit.

I almost had a heart attack 😭

I’m experiencing the same issue with saved color styles not showing up. It really needs to be fixed ASAP - it’s a feature that my team absolutely relies on.

Same issue… Been trying everything for over an hour thinking it was either my fault or my laptop 😅

Having the same issue right now.

It’s nice to know you’re out there suffering along with me… = )


fix iiiiiit Figggmaaaaa