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I have a library full of color and text styles, but for some reason on one specific file they do not appear in the list (empty). However if I select any element it will display the correct style name i.e action blue, H3. So it recognizes the style value to the correct library, but the list will not show it when opened.

Sometimes it just shows one in the list, of whatever is selected (see image)

Things I tried:

  1. Restarted Figma

  2. Checked if the problem is happening with other designers in my org (Its not)

  3. Made sure the library has been activated (it has)

I also have the same issue, I was just in the file and now it is not working. Same issue as above, the library is enabled and the styles don’t show up in the panel.

Same, probably is the new update!!!

Color (doesn’t show)

Typo (doesn’t show)

effects (doesn’t show)

grid (doesn’t show)

Same here. I can’t access any of the text and color styles from any of my libraries.

By the way it happened before I updated. I decided that I need to update Figma to fix this bug, but nothing changed)

same problem here. Just started within the last 1/2 hour

I am having the same problem.

Same issue here

Same here, this is not working, it makes it impossible to work correctly.

Even styles on the library file I have published are not available to me in the color style dropdown in that file.



Hello, everyone!

I have an issue with missing local styles in a project.

It seems like all styles suddenly disappeared, all fonts, colors, and icons, but the project components are still working.

I have a free plan and didn’t add any other projects or something else, that might affect free-using options.

Maybe Figma has changed something with the free plan or am I missing something?

Having the same issue with color styles, library file is turned on but won’t display as options within the file. Hopefully will be remedied soon! Let your coworkers know it’s an issue so they don’t spend time wondering and searching for answers like we all did 🙂

It’s a known issue and is currently being fixed. Can see updates here:

We are having the same issue.

This bug is currently being fixed. Can see updates here:

Yes, i came here to verify if anyone was having the same issue. Font, color, grid styles aren’t working

(post deleted by author)

Tagging in as I’m having the same issue as well

Same here. I thought I broke something and was crazy trying to publish everything over and over. I’m on the Beta app btw.

I am having the same issue—no text and colour styles.

Same exact issue here. Started around the same time you posted this.

Same issue here on colors and text styling from our system. I assume it started with the update in the last 24 hours.

me this whole time thinking I was at fault

Same here. Based on the recency of all these comments I’d take a guess something on the Figma side crashed

I am having this issue with Figma as well (not just fig jam), color and text styles are missing from properties panel when you click to change it.