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I have a library full of color and text styles, but for some reason on one specific file they do not appear in the list (empty). However if I select any element it will display the correct style name i.e action blue, H3. So it recognizes the style value to the correct library, but the list will not show it when opened.

Sometimes it just shows one in the list, of whatever is selected (see image)

Things I tried:

  1. Restarted Figma

  2. Checked if the problem is happening with other designers in my org (Its not)

  3. Made sure the library has been activated (it has)

Yep we are having this issue as well, deadlines tomorrow morning.

Yes, about 30-40 minutes ago.

there is an incident right now… You can check and subscribe Figma status here →

Glad to know I’m not the only one right now. All libraries have been unchanged and yet I can’t see my color styles in the dropdown. Hoping this is a bug.

There is an incident right now… You can check and subscribe Figma status here →

a new update: " Identified - We’ve identified the issue and a fix is being implemented."

Same issue with myself and members of my team. Even within the colour library itself styles are not appearing. Guess it’s time to colour pick everything.

there is an incident right now… You can check and subscribe Figma status here →

As easy as it is to complain about stuff breaking, especially in the middle of deadlines, Figma is doing a great job of alerting to the fact that they are aware of the issue, fixing it, and, soon, to announce it’s fixed. I’m sure they’ll look into how it happened in the first place, since it did not seem to be caused by installing an update, but all in all, it’s a quick turnaround.

I came here to say the same thing. Relevant libraries are switched on, but styles aren’t importing and it’s blocking my work.

Ugh same here. Annoyed! Fix it Figma!

Yep, having the same issue as of 2:15 PM CST today

Same here! has never happened before but suddenly I couldn’t see my saved colors and I tried closing and re opening Figma. Im at the desktop app and using a Mac 😦

(post deleted by author)

Same, and checked with two different and independent accounts and even starting with new files. Think there’s something weird happening on the figma servers…

What a wonderful start to the day - this is happening to me as well, both colour and text styles

I’m currently experiencing this same issue!

I am having this issue right now. I switched to “external teams” to grab an element that I created in another project. Switched back to my “main team” and now my styles are not loading. I made sure everything is enabled, closed the app down multiple times, and made sure I am on the correct “team.” Color and Text styles. I literally have something due in two hours lol. I am on windows desktop app.

Since Adobe acquiring - been interesting! There has been some weird stuff happening on and off!

They are aware of the issue and have been responding on Twitter. for updates.

Same here…

For some weird reasons my style guide is not showing up. @figma I have a test to submit and I need my guides

Already did a desperate shot lol 😭

I have a project with a bunch of styles and when nothing is selected I can see all my local styles, but once I select an object and trying to apply anything, e.g. color, I can see it in Styles menu.