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I have a library full of color and text styles, but for some reason on one specific file they do not appear in the list (empty). However if I select any element it will display the correct style name i.e action blue, H3. So it recognizes the style value to the correct library, but the list will not show it when opened.

Sometimes it just shows one in the list, of whatever is selected (see image)

Things I tried:

  1. Restarted Figma

  2. Checked if the problem is happening with other designers in my org (Its not)

  3. Made sure the library has been activated (it has)

Hi, same problem here on my local component. I can’t apply text and color style on my files. Is there anyway to fix it?

Hi Margareth! Sorry to hear you are having issue with library styles. This may be another issue as a fix was already rolled out. If you’re still having issues after restarting, you can submit a bug report to our support team directly via the form so we can investigate it further here: Thank you!

A post was split to a new topic: Styles not appearing

There is a plugin called style sync, it is likely to help you fix this, i tried it worked for me!!!