Customizable shortcuts

How is this not a standard thing yet? As someone coming from Sketch I am thrilled to start exploring Figma. The first thing I do after getting to know the tool a bit is to change the shortcuts to how I am used to them, given they have the same functionality as in previous tools I’ve been using.

I am on Mac yet more than half of my shortcuts are not working. I don’t really understand how this is the case because Sketch uses the same system preferences dialogue to let you setup custom shortcuts but there it is working fine for almost all keys.

To add to this in a more appealing way to product designers:
Reasons to implement this feature:

  • Your tool is used by professionals to make their job easier, having shortcuts makes one able to do their tasks at least twice as fast, therefore makes your tool twice as effective…
  • People coming from competing products to your platform will feel more enticed to switch since the boundary for transitioning is a lot lower if there is less you have to learn. Being able to change the shortcuts to how you are used to is instrumental for this.