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The main source of inspiration for this idea was to match the keyboard shortcuts themselves to different keyboard layouts. Right now, users who don’t use US keyboards have to memorize the location of the keys, rather than to use the actual character location to be able to use the shortcuts. Those involving this region are primarily the case:

ABNT2 layout (Brazil).

And here’s an example of confusing shortcuts:


Although this problem could be solved by just rebinding the shortcuts to the actual character and not the location on the keyboard, I’ve noticed there are some other issues concerning key bindings.

On this forum post, a member of the community asked for help on backing one layer level with a different shortcut from what Figma has right now. This makes the user adapt their workflow to the tool, and not the other way around — and that hinders efficiency. It would be nice if the tool itself provided some sort of customization on this regard.

Although being a workaround, Mac users can customize keyboard shortcuts by application, but it is a bit limited. It’s also not a possibility for Windows users.

I think this could be a game-changer, as i’ve seen people who refused to migrate from other tools to Figma because they couldn’t customize shortcuts. It would also give the user more control over the tool and their workflow.

What do you guys think about it?

While using the German keyboard, the cmd + Z is just besides cmd + T, which opens a new tab, and completely interrupts me workflow 🙃 pls fix thissssss

I get used with ALT/OPTION key + mouse wheel for zoom in & out in most of design industry’s apps. It’s so hard to adapt with CTRL/CMD key here in Figma.

And when I get used to the CTRL/CMD and have to switch back to other design applications, I have to adapt back to the ALT/OPTION again. So it’s frustrating me twice, and I am sure this bothers other users too.

I wish Figma dev team consider a way to customize keyboard shortcuts, but since that almost 4 years have passed since this thread has been created, it discourages my hopes.


I’m a frequent shortcut user, and there is so many important actions which doesn’t have shortcuts. It would be great to have ability to make custom shortcuts.

Same comes to MacBook with Touchbar, it would be grate to include custom buttons to the Touch bar! Simple in development, so much usage.

Thank you.

Figma does not allow me to edit the keyboard shortcuts, yet it would be very useful to do so. Mainly in the case of the “Actions” shortcut: uCommand + ,] is not as straightforward as having iCommand + K]. Despite of knowing the correct Figma shortcut, I always end up doing the latter because it’s such an ingrained behaviour acquired from working with other softwares/apps. This is the most painful case, but others would also benefit from the ability to edit.

This should be a standard feature. Come on Figma team, this is an easy win for accessibility. Also it would be good to have shortcuts organized the way we prefer for our workflows. (For example, the P key is the Pen tool but the V key is the move tool; for my workflow I want them to be close to each other. My brain keeps wanting C to be the shortcut to tweak the bend in the vectors and it brings up Comments instead, which I only ever use at the very end.)

4 years and still nothing… lol

Your comment inspired me to look at the beginning of this thread, with only 660 votes. But below the initial comment, you can see that 46 other threads have been merged with this one, with a total number of votes exceeding 5,500. So there’s no way that Figma doesn’t know it’s a desired feature. Again, I just wish they would come out and say: “We will never do this, so stop asking.” Then we can all stop wasting our time on this. And stop hoping for a change that will never happen.

Or even better, of course, would be some official response saying they’re working on it and hoping to release it by Qx of 2025. Or whatever.

yes some of the shortcuts are extremely awkward to use or understand because they were designed for MacBook laptops instead of desktop or Windows system. Giving some freedom to diverse user is a great idea. Please add the user discretionary shortcuts. Figma is a much larger compony than 6 years ago and it’s important to realize they have various users operating on different systems/ keyboards.

Blease remove ctrl B if the selected layers are not text. 
