In the world of dedicated pro app. Being able to customise the shortcuts is a must.
That is the standard.
FYI on my french AZERTY keyboard I found that Bring to Front is key “^”
and Send to Back is “)”
They work in combination with Ctrl for adjusting z-index.
On a german keyboard (mac) these seem to work:
Send to back: ü
Send backward: cmd + ü
But, does anyone know to bring elements forward? 😃
Yes, I’m also struggling with a German keyboard layout (MacOS). Please Figma, find a way to translate and / or customise shortcuts for non-US keyboard users. It is big usability issue, and a company that is literally creating products for UX people should really get this right. Adjusting shortcuts in apple system preferences is too cumbersome and also messes up other existing shortcuts easily. However, what works for me at the moment is to switch my keyboard settings to US, while using a German qwertz keyboard. This obviously messes up any text writing tasks (unless you switch back again), and you have to guess / learn the keys- but you can actually access all (or most of, haven’t tested everything) important shortcuts this way.
@BorojiDesignInc nailed it. If we can get this functionality it would speed up my workflow tremendously and increase the delightfulness of using the product.
Eagerly waiting for this feature to roll out.
To add to the confusion a little bit, there do seem to be correctly labeled shortcuts within the drop down menus themselves. Notice how the adjust font size shortcuts are different between the menu at the bottom and the menu at the top.
As it is a product for designer we are close to the infamy ! 🙂 Localisation please !
As always thanks for all of your feedback here. We just launched the International Keyboard Shortcuts beta for German (QWERTZ), Japanese (Kana), and French (AZERTY). Learn more here on how you can participate
This is just the start in working on improving this area, but we hope this helps. 🙂
As someone just learning Figma moving from Adobe, I initially thought to myself how fast it must be to build a design with Figma, since its streamlined for that purpose, but the lack of hotkeys and hotkey customization means a lot of my commonly used tasks are now multiple clicks away.
As a power user on both Mac and Win, in Austria, I bizarrely was forced to use a Win/US external keyboard, and make a AutoHotKey script just to be able to use Figma relatively fluently.
I also use it for changing the default mouse wheel action to zoom.
New feature of adding QWERTZ and other keyboards as a solution seems like adding an insult to the injury as it really only circumvents the real issue of allowing custom keyboard shortcuts.
Otherwise I am a huge fan/early adopter/proponent of Figma and its UI.
Worked like a charm. Thanks
I’m wondering if these shortcuts that aren’t able to customize would be improved in the future someday.
- Return to Instance
- Copy/Paste as → Copy link
- Component Property commands in general
Hey, could you Export/Share you List? Greez Jens
Soooo 6 years after launch, and 429 votes later, no custom shortcuts?
Massive oversight, massive disappointment.
Many FIGMAs do not have preset shortcuts, but they are very high -frequency operations for me, and more mouse operations are cumbersome. E.g:
apply boolean property
Seriously guys, get your act together and make the customizable shortcuts a priority. Figma is wonderful, but without the shortcuts it cannot count to be a professional app.
Yep, why Figma still have no Customizable shortcuts? I’m use this app a one year, but still cant use any shortcut. Because it’s extremely inconvenient.
And I think it goes well with Shortcut search tool
There is a learning curve or just a bit of time and repetition required to master Figma’s keyboard shortcuts. The best place to start is the Help Menu > Keyboard Shortcuts (Control + Shift + ?):
This will show you which shortcuts you have already used and which ones you have yet to discover.
Beyond that, I use Keyboard Maestro (KM) to make Figma (and all other apps) do what I want via Keyboard. As a benefit, the KM shortcuts sync to all of my other Macs, so I don’t have to update System preferences on multiple Macs, or when I get a new Mac. KM does a ton of other useful things, such as scripted automations, but I primarily use it for shortcuts because I got tired of having to redo System Preferences in macOS.
In this screenshot, you can see my Figma shortcuts for the boolean shape options:
Thanks! That’s super helpful.
I never knew the Figma keyboard shortcuts window would display used shortcuts in blue. That’s quite a nifty feature.
Thanks for your suggestion on Keyboard Maestro. I’ve been doing something similar with Better Touch Tool for a while now, which allows me to override any shortcuts that can’t be set through the macOS System Preferences settings.
I guess both apps are pretty similar, but haven’t tried Keyboard Maestro as I’m now invested in BTT and it works for me.
And it looks like Figma changed the show/hide keyboard shortcut with the latest release. Would be nice to be able to change it back.
+1, really need to be able to customize keyboard shortcuts. Shift+0 for zoom to 100%? can’t do that with one hand. I want to be able to change them to whatever I need so I can make it more ergonomic.