I want to make a prototype where something changes when user scrolls content.
I want to keyboard collapse when user starts scrolling content, but it’s impossible to do with drag action. Or it feels unnatural
Or am I missing a way to do it with existing tools?
This functionality is needed!
On scroll up and on scroll down triggers would be so helpful!
hello there! nice to see a familiar face in the void of the internet 😀
This has constantly been receiving votes, and quite honestly, it’s a no brainer and should have already been implemented. Why are no figma reps picking this up?
I feel there should be a trigger in figma called, “On scroll”, where some action should happen while scrolling. This will be helpful in situations like:
The action bar in an mobile app goes up and hides when we start scrolling down and it re-appears when scrolling up.
To use parallax effects, currently we have to use click instead of scroll and that looks unnatural.
It will come handy in making website transitions, eg- elements appear as we scroll down the content.
There can be many more features but if you guys release the feature, it will be groundbreaking. Figma would become a very strong prototyping tool.
This request was posted earlier on the forum. Please vote for this idea here: "On Scroll" trigger for the prototype.
I agree and posted about it earlier this month:
+1 Need scroll triggers!
Just piling on here. Strength in numbers!
+1 to everything said on this thread 🤞
This has got to be in development surely? +1,000,000
I also really need this feature!
+1 please!
+1 please!
It’s a must! How could you miss this?
+1 This would be a great feature
I’m sure it’s not an easy thing to implement, but would love to see this happening! Put that Adobe monies to good use, folks!
It’s time, Figma team u know?
+1 Let’s make it happen.
+1 Please add this.
+1 we need this
+1 I would like to have this option
+1 here! 😦 Please, Mobile interaction might be include this
+1 very much needed 🙏
+1 very much needed, it helps with the demo presentation of how the interaction animations should be. And an easy way to communicate with engineers.
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