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  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this

    Screenshot and sample file below. I’m using an iMac sized frame with extended height. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that this is the now the default view when using multiple flow starting points and is the only way to actually change the flow starting point. So you have a constant trade-off of whether you want to see the Figma controls or your prototype’s. Annoying as hell.

EDIT: When sidebar is hidden, the fixed header is visible but inaccessible. As soon as the cursor hovers near it, the Figma UI appears over the (clickable) website header. Wow…

  1. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

+1 for this, it’s not client friendly at all!

Bumping this post up as well, as this is something that I have to create a workaround in every design by making a empty space in the top of the artboard which is stupid.

Instead why not just with un-hidden UI lower the design by the pixels of the UI and when Figma UI is enabled push it back up again. It’s not that hard to fix it.

+1 Prototypes are mostly for others, not me. This is a really bad issue for me. I often am not sure where the shared link will end up so I cannot explain how to work around this to anyone that lands in a prototype.

My hack: Create a 64px black (or brand/instructional) banner at the top of your frames and make every page in the prototype the exact same height since Figma aligns pages to the middle of the browser window instead of to the top.

Disappointed to see that this issue was brought up back in July 2021, and hasn’t been resolved. Maybe in our lifetime.

In the meantime, I moved all of the page content down enough to clear the Figma UI area. Then added a black bar going across and check the “Fix position when scrolling” option.

That seem to work for now.

I lost respect for them personally as this was by far the most absurd example of not giving a crap. It’s something that:

a) impacts a very common usecase for their product

b) causes serious issues within the context of that usecase (non-tech-savvy clients are experiencing this)

c) should’ve never came up as an issue in the first place, which implies poor design decisions and/or QA

d) then they just ignore it for a year after being reported, while at the same time the fix for it is trivial, both in terms of design and technical complexity

This sort of crap is the exact same reason we dumped Sketch two years ago, so now I’m just disappointed by the idea that soon enough, Figma might be riddled with pointless QA issues…

This is a deal-breaker for using prototypes with clients. I need the sidebar visible so that clients can access the different tasks of the user testing easily, therefor hiding the UI is not an option. Please fix this simple issue.

Same problem here! 🙋‍♂️t4: I’ve been working since 2015 and didn’t realize how annoying this could be. Come on Figma fam I think we could have a better solution.

BTW I just found that you can share the prototype link without the UI by adding “&hide-ui=1”

How has this not been fixed yet?! All we are asking it to adding some padding or margin to one element of the preview!

Currently having to send 4 separate links out to a client, so they can see without the header obscuring, when I could just send one and let them navigate through them themselves.

Is it so hard to introduce a “fullscreen” feature in the prototype, enabled by a button in the UI? We talking about the globally leading application for developing user experience design here. Somehow I get the feeling they do it on purpose. It’s a big pain in presentations when designing in 1920x1080 (and presented on a screen with this resolution). The design is cut off in the bottom and we see the tabs in the top of the screen. Very confusing to users and frustrating to designers.

…the shortcut command + backslash is a joke. The backslash is not accessible directly on the keyboard. One need to press shift + alt +7 for backslash. So how to do it?

Echoing everyone else’s frustrations.

We can’t expect a client (who probably is unfamiliar with the platform or non-technical in general) to be able to navigate to the Figma UI view if I send a link suppressing that, and I guarantee I’ll get complaints that they can’t get around or the nav missing.

The simplest solution is just to ensure the designs always rest below the Figma UI

Agreed. We shouldn’t have to adjust our design to accommodate for this design flaw. Suggest making the default view without this UI obstruction and still allowing for client to comment within the same view.

Again, this is a problem but turning off the Figma UI hides the Prototype starting points list on the left side which is a feature I love…

Figma, please fix this bug. It’s causing problems for the normal user. We as designers know how to turn this off. But for new users, it’s not super-friendly.

This is causing all kinds of issues in sharing the designs. Please fix this. No need for a transparent overlay, we need integrity of design on screen.

found a solution for it.

just untick “show figma ui” in options dropdown.

Why it’s still not fixed? It’s super easy to solve without having to hide UI (Because that way I lose access to important features in the prototype view). The prototype should always start below the Figma header. What’s the point of overlapping Figma UI over my prototype?

Please fix this. It’s unbelievably frustrating

bump, incredibly pathetic how this issue hasn’t been solved after almost an entire year now. almost laughable really, just don’t make it an overlay for crying out loud… you’d think someone on their design team actually thought about this stuff… 🤔

Please fix this incredibly silly UI/UX decision…

Yes, we can hide the Figma UI, but why is it overlaying the design in the first place, instead of the prototype being displayed directly below it without being overlaid? I always need to explain my collegues and customers how to configure it properly to be able to use the prototype.

This is still an issue. For all the reasons stated above. Please change how the menu is positioned.

Rachel_H… has the workaround!

append ‘&hide-ui=1’ to the URL to hide the UI

Clients don’t know about “hide Figma UI”, this totally kills the workflow and it annoying as hell. The UI overlaps the prototype navigation. Please find a solution for this!

How is this still a problem? Does anyone at Figma use Figma?

The hide function is already there, just call it on page load. It will take seconds to fix.
