+1 Honestly would be better if the Figma header UI wasn’t overlaying prototypes at all. It’s becoming a real pain, im having to add more white space at the top of frames.
Any solution to this…I am still facing issue.
Overlay buttons (that you can hide) are ok.
Overlay bar that covers a part of design is a big NO.
Empathise with this:
We have 7 designers who share prototypes with 100 to potentially 1000 colleagues and managers. We send the link (or post it on knowledge management platform) to a mobile or desktop design and get contacted back about design being “cut off”, “unable to click on top navigation that is barely sticking out”, or “lacking navigation bar” (because they don’t even know there is navigation bar design underneath the Figma bar.
Now we designers can hide it (even though it’s annoying repeated task) because we work with Figma and know how it works. 99,993% of our organisation can’t.
This is indeed quite unfortunate. It would make more sense that the figma ui doesn’t overflow on the screens especially since 90% of designs have a top bar navigation that then becomes inaccessible.
And i know you can hide the ui
BUT ☝️
The sidebar is a very nice feature to show multiple flows to clients as well so it’s useful to keep it visible when sharing a prototype.
Following people around in prototype mode is also very useful during demo time, so being able to view the sidebar & the top bar & the full design would be ideal
Hopefully Figma can fix that soon 🙏
I’m facing the same Issue. I need to share the prototype with the team and we have Navigation buttons on the header of the prototype.
PLease @FigmaForUserResearch create an option to hide or remove the move interaction of the Figma top toolbar.
Hi – this profile isn’t associated with Figma, but maybe they should have a channel for supporting researchers, yeah?
This is a big pain point for our organization at the moment blocking the potential to switch to Figma from Sketch + Invision.
We cannot ask top management or have training sessions just to be able to teach them to view the top of the desktop page designs.
It would be great if it could get fixed.
You can hide top black bar by pressing this ctrl + \ or ctrl in windows.
This totally works. Thanks.
@muneeb_qazi, thank you for the solution, unfortunately this still does not solve the issue what @Slava_Bronevitskiy pointed out.
"Empathise with this:
We have 7 designers who share prototypes with 100 to potentially 1000 colleagues and managers. We send the link (or post it on knowledge management platform) to a mobile or desktop design and get contacted back about design being “cut off”, “unable to click on top navigation that is barely sticking out”, or “lacking navigation bar” (because they don’t even know there is navigation bar design underneath the Figma bar.
Now we designers can hide it (even though it’s annoying repeated task) because we work with Figma and know how it works. 99,993% of our organisation can’t."
That works great as e temporary fix but is a bad workaround.
Figma please fix this bug! 🙂 Thanx!!
⌘/ or uncheck option of “Show Figma UI” in the preview options and then generate a new link 🙂
YES! This is super annoying if you want to show the multiple flows to a client or in a user testing session. Why would the top bar obscure the design at all… please fix!!
Still an issue. Can we please fix this soon. Pretty much messes up every prototype that has top header nav which has to be a lot right?
Commenting to bump this. Figma please fix this
Please for the love of god fix this
Commenting to bump this issue. Please prioritise fixing this.
I can’t fathom any benefits to having the prototype UI overlap the viewport content, so this feels like either a bug or a design misstep.
Changing the zoom level is not really a reasonable solution in shareable prototypes.
Also bumping this. Tired of this being an issue that I have to talk clients through every time I send a prototype.
The shortcut Cmd + \ (on mac) does not work when I am in the prototype view. I should use the menu to disable. After that, no option to make it visible again. Any idea?
When presenting a webpage prototype, the Figma UI is over the page header. This makes it impossible to interact with the header without turning off the Figma UI. If you enable the side bar the header is completely covered. Moving the pointer trying to click on a menu in the head of prototype the Figma UI appears.
The only workaround is to hide the UI. This makes it hard to share a link with clients and expect them to understand they have to hide the UI or sending a link with it turned off.
Is it possible to have the main bar or the Figma UI above the prototype at all times?
I am also frustrated by this. I want the client to click through several different prototype flows and navigate using the top navbar in my design. To do this I will have to explain to them how to show/hide the UI using keyboard commands in between each flow. This is very clunky and intrusive to the testing experience. The design shouldn’t be covered by the Figma UI.
Right now, in ‘Present mode’ (prototype mode), the top panel UI overlays the presented content so it cuts it off:
It’s not possible to see what’s beneath, only by toggling hiding the UI, which isn’t always ideal as it’s not intuitive (for example, if I need to quickly switch between flows).
A possible solution could be nudging the presented content below the panel, instead of overlapping it.
Please upvote this if you experience this and find it frustrating too 😅
I had this problem too: When I hide the Figma UI on the Mac, I can’t seem to bring it back again with ctrl + .
Then I noticed that when the UI is turned off, Figma appends ‘&hide-ui=1’ to the URL. When I delete that from the URL and refresh, the UI is back on.