@dvaliao I appreciate your transparency.
Even though I’m a UI/UX designer and programming developer, I feel hard to find the options to disable the overlapping option bar on top of the top nav design. When I think about my non-technical customers who review the design, are really really struggling to use the top nav of the design and to each and every customer I have to explain to them to disable the option every time.
Figma team should really understand this as a Major UX experience problem of Figma, prioritize this and fix this ASAP.
I think this could be the voice of all designers.
It’s insane that this is still an issue. As multiple people have pointed out – the option to hide the Figma UI is not a solution as clients often still need to access the flow starting points – which means the annoying header pops back up blocking key information and navigation within the prototype.
Is the header even needed? It seems like it could be incorporated into the sidebar. Or just start the prototype below it.
Just another voice chiming in. If the UI is present, the top bar should push the prototype down, rather than float on top of it. This is a constant annoyance for our team.
It does not help. Audience struggle with this and waste time and effort during demos. With new audience, same story.
Why would this be allowed by Figma in first place? Beats me!
NOT A SOLUTION - the UI is very important for client interaction with the design.
Totally agree. The topbar overlaying the screen is a real annoyance.
In addition to this I just spent 20 minutes to figure out how to hide it with view only access in a browser, because there is no blackslash on the german mac keyboard.
When I access the prototype view in editor mode, hiding the panel is so much easier with kust hitting the “^” key. Why not keep it consistent overall?
Thanks @Kenneth_Runge ! Using cmd + “.” works on a german keyboard too.
Yikes… and I was (wrongly) touting Figma as the be all and end-all of User-focused tool development:(
Seeing this silly UI design from the Figma Team is unacceptable for a paid tool!
No, this topic has NOT been solved, Figma!
Hey all appreciate all the additional feedback here. I’ve shared this thread with our prototyping team and we’re looking at some improvements for this. I’ll be sure to keep this topic updated as I have more information. Thanks 😊
Same issue for me. I need to be able to show prototypes in a full screen mode on the desktop app. The current solution of hitting Ctrl+Fn+\ to hide the Figma UI is not good enough. That simply hides the sidebar and share options bar but leaves the tabs bar at the top. If your design is fullscreen for example 1920 x 1080 anything that is 50px from the bottom of the screen is hidden below the fold and the user must scroll down to view it.
Yo, Figma. For the LOVE, please fix this nonsense.
Please put this info wherever you want with an overlay. But not on the top where 99% of all layouts the navigation is placed.
Adding a comment so that this stays open for another 90 days and maybe it will get worked on!
It’s nice that is disappears but it’s kind of a pain if you have navigation up there you actually want testers to be able to see and use. And while the “hide Figma UI” option is a nice “quick fix”, often times the people you send prototypes to do not know how to use Figma (and sometimes don’t even know they are viewing something within the container of an app) so asking them to turn of the UI themselves just adds extra friction.
Hey Figma, consider this:
I have been irritated by this feature for three years and today I finally came and said something. Every colleague or client I show a prototype to, or collaborate with, struggles to hide the UI that by default obscures the main navigation of many prototypes.
I bet for every person in this thread there’s another hundred who swear at your product every day for this obvious and unnecessary UI issue that undermines the core use of your product. Imagine how many will gladly leave Figma for a competitor as soon as it annoys them less than this does.
Your UI should not interfere with the content of a prototype by default! We’re UX designers! That’s a bad idea! By all means have an option for it to work this way but by default it should be above the design where it can’t get in the way.
Please listen to reason and fix it!
When you view a prototype in full screen mode with FILL on, then the very top of the design - often filled with icons or small menu items or hamburger menu icons - cannot be accessed by clients, because the FIGMA header bar starts to appear, not only visually blocking the top part out, but also preventing actual clicking on those elements.
Figma, can you perhaps put some sort of toggle at least on the header bar? If you toggle it on, the header bar shows at all times and pushes the design down. If you toggle it off, the header bar is hidden and the design slides up.
The header bar overlapping the design is kind of a big deal for your users, and a pretty bad UI/UX practice.
Ok, I see the merged ticket now, but this doesn’t solve the problem. Clients still need to be able to change their view to see the design at 100% and switch back to full view (fit). This allows them to see the fonts at full size, even if their display doesn’t match the fit view (on a Macbook Air, the Macbook Pro screen is shrunk down significantly and shown in the tiny box in the middle, which is kind of weird in itself, so you can’t even make that fullscreen and share that, because if you copy the link with Full screen and UI off, you just get this tiny box in the middle with a huge black box around the design - this is really a lot of wasted space. there isn’t a way to share the prototype so that it fills the width and pretends that it’s a browser.
So even if I want to share these hidden UI, the client is then unable to switch to 100% and thinks this little box in the middle is their “website”.
This preview mode is really in need of some serious love.
OMG… this issue is not yet solved after millions of people have shown frustration. Why is this being ignored for so long? The prototype should just start below that stupid overlay Figma UI. Or move that to the left panel in the menu.
This is still a huge pain point. Either move the design down, or allow a HIDE FiGMA UI by default.
This issue has been bothering me since I started using Figma. It’s incredible that such an obvious UI flaw hasn’t been addressed despite years of complaints.
Bump, this is still an issue. I’m constantly annoyed by this thing covering the UI by default.
Just add &hide-ui=1 to the end of the prototype link and client won’t see UI bar