This feature should be available in Figma. this will help all the designers.
+1 for this feature 👍
+1 Figma please implement
Definitely need this feature. Surprised that Figma hasn’t been prioritizing this or implemented this yet. As a workaround, I tried to just use the link of a prototype as an link, the downside is it opens in a new browser tab outside Figma.
Searching for this feature for days. It’s such a basic requirement that it can’t believe it does not exist yet. We have 10 pages, and in each one, about 10 artboards with prototypes ready. What we need is to link the side menu between them. 😡
Over 2 years this has been a feature request, with more upvotes then on other idea’s. The lack of Figma’s respons is terrible. How hard can it be to add an additional dropdown “page” in the prototype menu… it isn’t rocket science.
Just transferred from other tools to Figma and I honestly thought this was a gag.
“We can do prototyping!! Hurr Hurr, Psych!! It’s busted”
For me and my Team it would also be great to have this. We just switched over from Sketch (where we had this feature). We have too many screens to have them all on one page. So cross-page links would be something we need.
Concur! This is a serious set back when you have multiple projects in one release.
Please Fimga! Please!!! My developers use the pages to Navigate my documents and it would be great to do a mega prototype where the prototype is all connected but the pages are broken down by feature and user story so they understand where they are going in my file 🙂
This would be really helpful. Please make it a reality.
Would love this feature - but also being able to link specific frames on one page to specific frames on an other page.
Figma team: what does this error message mean while trying to vote? I really hope it doesn’t mean this feature will never come… 😢
Hey @denvac,
We had a service disruption that affected the community a few days ago. Have you been able to vote since? Please let us know if you continue to have trouble!
+1 for this essential feature. I can’t believe we are still waiting after 2 years.
I definitely need this feature. I am using Figma for all my research and discovery work so I need a mechanism to jump between pages.
If multi-page linking is not possible then at least do auto-update for frames. This would save time when frames from multiple pages are dumped onto a single page. That single proto page can automatically get updated when changes are made on the master frame.
It’s 2023 and menus with sub-menus built using component sets are basically still unusable.
Hey everyone,
my teammate found a temporary workaround for this.
Let’s say you have a page header or navigation containing links which you want to connect to different screens. But the original component and the screens are placed in different pages so they don’t appear in the interaction “On Click Navigate to” menu.
Also, you’re using component instances of the navigation in each screen.
Here’s what you can do:
- Move the original navigation component to the same page where all screens are.
- Place your interaction noodles and connect the nav links to the screens.
- If you’ve connected everything, right-click the original nav component and select “Move to page” → select the desired page where it belongs to.
- The connections should still be intact in the instances used in the screens.
“Move to page” is essential here, using cut and paste instead will not work.
Unfortunately, we could not reproduce it 100% of the time, sometimes even with this method the connections still got removed.
Consider trying it though. 🤞
Thanks! This feels like a bug to be honest but as long as it works… 😀
So, it has been just over 2 years since this was originally posted and there is seriously no solution to this!? In that same amount of time, I’ve worked a few different contract jobs where the companies have bailed on Figma for this exact reason. We’d create larger prototypes to sell ideas through but to create larger scale prototypes, everything would have to be on the same Figma “Page” for all the prototype linking to work. But trying to add links to dev tickets became way too frustrating for devs to follow so devs would successfully lobby to dump Figma. If we could use Figma Pages as actual pages and then link between all the pages, this would make Figma WAAAAAAY easier to manage larger development projects.
They will add it when GTA 6 releases, don’t worry.
HAHA, that actually made me laugh out loud. 🙂