Hi @Sanjana_Dhakad ,
I merged your topic as other in the community have requested something similar. Do not also forget to vote up! 🗳️
Im a bit amazed, that this isn’t a default feature. And @Figma… look at all these replies. Starting from 2021… and there hasn’t been any news around this topic. XD does this, Sketch does this, why doesn’t figma support this? It would be 1 additional dropdown to select a page. It isn’t rocket science. Im baffled… So many people wanting this… and nothing from Figma. Why does forum.figma.com exists?
Figma, bro do it, it’s too hectic to play without this feature, so please consider adding this soon.
Anyone else mentally preparing themself for Config 2023 to come and go, and we hear no news about this feature request?
Patiently waiting for this.
Hello, really need this feature… Waiting for too long now. At least a quick answer “don’t worry we are on it” would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
This seems like such a clunky way of doing this. I get that this is a step in the right direction but we really should have an option under “Navigate to” like “Another Page” and then “Frame”.
This would be great for components that link to a file or an external site
We need this feature, it bottlenecks a lot of positives that prototypes provide.
You’ve got $20B in the bank. Hire a bloody programmer and get this done. It’s RIDICULOUS. Shameful.
And sadly not part of the Config ‘advanced prototyping’ updates. Less shiny new, fix the basics please!
In desperate need for this feature for more complex prototypes
Regarding the last sentence: No idea.
Figma folks that are kinda active here always say that the forums are “community driven”. There’s clearly a need for a proper official supported forum / feedback platform (bug reports, feature requests, feedback, transparent roadmaps, changelogs, annoucnements, …) that is actively monitored and run by Figma Support and Community Managers. And whoever is reading this and is now thinking “Isn’t that what this forum is all about?” then I can only say yes, I absolutely agree, but it seems Figma doesn’t realize this forum needs way more official activity.
I don’t think this is a good idea for now.
Currently prototypes become very slow when there is a lot in it’s page. Getting this feature would mean that a prototype, made in a clean, minimal prototype page could get bogged down because of the contents of other pages. This performance issue would need to be solved first.
(After knowing about this limitation it’s also made it super clear for me and other editors that the prototype exists on one page and it’s easy to be extra careful with it)
I worked for many years on complex systems. Many pages, multiple flows in each page. That’s why I have used Axure for that…I am learning now Figma, and that’s the first thing that came into my mind (Axure does not use frames or artboards. its all pages).
So I guess that I am voting for this as well. Unless you have simple app, it makes sense to prototype also between pages. 🫣
The lack of this feature essentially ruins the concept of pages. Why would you split your project into pages if you can’t link the parts for prototyping?
Huge gap - works in any other application - PLEASE FIX!
…that seems to work:
- install plugin “Prototype Quick Link”: https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/832335368157959508/Prototype-Quick-Link
- enter file key (web address of your file)
- create a Flow starting point on the page you want to jump to
- stay on that page and use Prototype Quick Link to copy the address of the Flow starting point to clipboard
- create an interaction at the page you want to jump off from, choose “open link” and paste the address as a link.
Thanks tank666 for directing at your comment, which I hadn’t seen. My plugin workaround might run into problems when using the desktop app, whereas this one shouldn’t.
Hi @Auggy , isn’t possible at this moment but there is a feature request here : Create one prototype across the pages in a file
I merged your topic with this one, so we can gauge the overall interest under the same topic 🙂
Requested such a long time ago and still no progress 🤔?
This is much needed, having been messing with hardcore design system and I think this could even reduces page ram load for big projects.
Given how many years back folks have been asking for this, it seems unlikely that Figma thinks it’s an idea worth their effort. Of course not every feature users ask for can (or should) be implemented, but this is a pretty basic request. I have also had to do workarounds like keep all the frames for a prototype on the same page (which is a mess for me and for the developers who have to pick through them). I also end up duplicating pages so that I can plop them all onto the same page…and then you’ve got a alternate universe version of that screen, and you have to change it in both places if you are using pages to organize different parts of your product.
Definitely a pain.