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I would love to be able to create one prototype across the pages in a file that resembles an actual website. This would be ideal for bigger projects and would be easier to maintain as well. We can connect the component libraries across all the pages anyways. A way to connect the prototype would be great in my opinion and that will give Figma a big leg up on other platforms.

What do you guys think?

+1 on this 🙂

+1 on this, I have duplicated components everywhere in a file, and have to relink it every time.

100% need this functionality.

Dear Diary,

Today is day 601 of needing to link prototypes across pages. And I know I’m not alone. Some have arrived here long before me. I’ve now resorted to actions I never thought I would do. I have cloned all content across every page in my team’s shared library into one, so that I could share a documentation link.

What have I become? I believe I am beginning to lose grasp on what is real. Do my prototypes ever feel like they’re trapped? Do they know there are other pages out there… yet completely out of reach? Is this a comment on humanity? Isolated in this solar system with no solution in sight to reach the next one?

Is this a social experiment? To see how long a feature request with over 1,000 votes can go and study our behavior? The others in the forum are beginning to get restless. I’m afraid this may turn ugly.

I hope things turn for the better soon.


Jennifer Lopez Reaction GIF by NBC World Of Dance


I am new to figma and just assumed that this would be possible. Its crazy it isn’t and unacceptable people have been asking for it for so long

I’m not a designer, but a Frontend dev. Doing my poor designing stuff quickly felt the need of navigating from one page to another, since maintaining pages in pages INSTEAD OF FRAMES is actually logic. Atomic design is the first thing to tell: segment as much as possible turn the whole idea in a bunch of atoms. Then mix them as you please.

Figma’s team are missing a big point and forcin the community to do bad practices in design, quite disapointing. after opening this topic now 1,5 years ago

@Figma_Support can you please at least update us on this? This is a crucial feature that is missing from Figma that is hamstringing a lot of us. It’s been over a year and a half and has been like a year since the last update. How have you not implemented this yet? How have you just ignored this for this long without even letting us know what’s happening?

We don’t need sleep. We need answers.

Bumping this thread…

OMG, this can’t be real @Figma_Team @Figma_Support

Can you give us at least a update about it?

Same problems here. It’s extremely frustrating. You can’t created complexe component with overlay call and having it use across the pages. I just finish by moving the hall component to the main page just to be able to use it in a prototype.

Same with navigation btwn pages, i have to get everything in the same page. But when you work on a 1O0 screen pages it’s just becoming a job to keep it organise and clean. You finishing with component around pages duplicate everywhere. Just to be able to make the prototype.

I really hope you will take this tread in consideration. At least some news about it should be the minimum, personally more the time past and more im thinking moving to a tools who allow me to have a nice and clean files


This forum won’t let me only send lol, so I have to add a sentence here.

Workaround I use: Create a public link of page 1. From page 2, use ‘open link’ and add the URL of the page 1 to link to.

May help some.

The fix to this is stupid - but very simple:

Goal: Link Frame A on Page 1 to Frame B on Page 2

  1. Move Frame A to Page 2

  2. Create the link between Frame A and Frame B

  3. Move Frame A to Page 1

Voila! The link should persist.

As I said… Stupid. But hey if it works…

this is a huge shortcoming for a prototyping tool. Please develop this

Being a long time Sketch user and switching to Figma, this is a big thing to has missing… Sketch has this, and it’s just a matter of adding groups within the drop down to select Frame. As a former Sketch user, it was very powerful to be able to organize sections of a prototype by page, and cross link them. And Sketch has the ability to add hotspots to a symbol, so when building components like menus, you can set up the menu once and reuse it everywhere. Please please please add this.

100% need this

@Figma_Team Can you please share an update when you expect this feature being implemented?

This feature would go a long way toward allowing me to more clearly organize my files while still maintaining the ability to maintain comprehensive prototypes.

@Figma_Support Having experience in customer support I get how responding to a thread like this could potentially be like opening a can of worms that you’re not ready to respond to. And to be fair, several people here have responded childishly and unprofessionally… though, I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel the same frustration that they’re expressing. But let’s be real. Acting that way or threatening violence–even if hypothetical–rarely has a productive effect on progress.

That said, @Figma_Support: you don’t need to have all the answers in order to provide transparency as a company. Beating a dead horse here, but, it’s pretty shady practice to keep people in the dark when an issue like this is so hotly discussed. Sometimes it’s appropriate to hold off on announcing updates for various reasons, I get that. But not providing an answer at all? Not really a good look… 😕 Maybe the support team is understaffed, or the acquisition by Adobe has caused a lot of uncertainty with issues both big and small, including this one.


Even a quick “we’re working on it” or “this isn’t on our devs’ task list at this time” or even a simple “hi yes hello we exist” would suffice. Right?

Or is this feature request board a place that’s taken seriously in the first place?

There is one way to link prototypes between pages in Figma without getting new tabs in your browser, and that is to hack it with the ‘Link’ button in the top toolbar. This feature creates a hyperlink to any text you want and links it to any page you want.

All you have to do is right click on the page you want the text to link (target) to and select ‘Copy link to page’:

then select the text you want to act as a link (source) and click the ‘Link’ button in the top menu bar:

If you don’t have text that you can use as the link, you could always create a blind button (ie assign the text colour to be the same as the BG colour). However, most forms of linking between pages do contain some form of text so it shouldn’t be too hard.

Note: this method auto creates as an underline but you can turn this off in your Type Settings panel.

Hope this helps.

+1 We also really need improved cross-page navigation possibilities for prototyping!

Like @Aaron_Wood already suggested:

Include sub dividing in the Navigate To dropdown and show pages to choose Frames from. The dropdown list neeeeeeds search because showing ALL the Frames of the selected page can lead to a massive amount of results to choose from.

+1 - New to Figma and very surprised this doesn’t exist yet. Still a lot better than XD…

+1 .

Thanks to those who have shared their hack, really helpful.
