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I would love to be able to create one prototype across the pages in a file that resembles an actual website. This would be ideal for bigger projects and would be easier to maintain as well. We can connect the component libraries across all the pages anyways. A way to connect the prototype would be great in my opinion and that will give Figma a big leg up on other platforms.

What do you guys think?

+1 Reallyyyyy need this feature!!!

+1 This feature is a must-have at this point.

Do we have an update on this? I’d consider this a P0 feature at this point. thx.

After changing employers, I moved from Axure RP to Figma. Was surprised something similar to pages wasn’t here. Made me sad. The other thing I really miss is the ability to create a “working” form element. Please add those. Pretty please!

Every time I start a project that will likely require (or at least GREATLY benefit from) screens being broken out into a multi-page or multi-file structure over the last year, I’ve searched the internet and found this thread.

As much as I wish this feature had been implemented ages ago, I appreciate that this thread is still active.

Please make this a thing soon.

+1 I’m very surprised that this isn’t already a part of figma!

+1 Please Figma : ) this is a must

+1 plz this should be easy!

It is a fucking stupidity the lack of this feature. Unbelievable

+1 for this feature

+1 for the Axure like implementation. Linking off page pulls up a tree menu of pages > frames (similar to how assets tab lists components)

+1 (just switched from Sketch 🤦‍♂️)


just moved over from XD to Figma and loved that I could have pages… but they don’t seem to work how I envisioned…

Would be so handy to be able to have large frames on separate pages and be able to link to them.

There goes another day that I needed this feature. ☹

This is a critical feature I was so surprised not to have after moving to Figma from Sketch and it is still lacking. Especially for bigger service prototypes or bigger design organisations it’s a nightmare to keep everything on same page. When creating proper Design system component libraries that have prototype links, it is a must to have things neatly organised in pages rather than one HUGE page with hundreds artbaoards and library components.

+1 This really limits prototype feature, and prototypes is great

‘Open Figma Link’ would be a usable workaround as it’s been 1.5 years since the original suggestion…

+1 Badly needed.

Hope this drives home how I have to let my own clients down because of your stupid limitation, Figma team!

I’m over here hoping they’ll soon allow linking across files (not just across pages in a single file), but Figma hasn’t even learned to walk, let alone run.

WTF - 1,5 years of users screaming for this essential feature and no response from Figma team. It’s even crazy easy to implement, this is a “low hanging fruit” !

upvote 12345

Come on Figma! I need this feature so bad.

We just moved from Sketch to Figma… and now we can not complete our prototypes, this is bad! Please Figma, add this to your software!

Agreed - at my last company we used Sketch - while there are quite a few features I really enjoy in Figma, but I am still baffled that you cannot link multiple pages together into a single prototype. Working on enterprise software, this seems like such a basic functionality and I am really surprised that it is missing.
