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I would love to be able to create one prototype across the pages in a file that resembles an actual website. This would be ideal for bigger projects and would be easier to maintain as well. We can connect the component libraries across all the pages anyways. A way to connect the prototype would be great in my opinion and that will give Figma a big leg up on other platforms.

What do you guys think?

I am new to Figma, and my design team is being encouraged to use Figma (as opposed to Adobe XD or other tools) by our software development team. They use Qt for embedded software dev & really want to be using the Qt Bridge for Figma to enable better collaboration between design & dev teams.

However, not being able to effectively prototype with links across pages is a major reservation of mine. THIS FEATURE IS NEEDED. I really can’t see building hundreds of screens with multiple flows in one page, or having to be duplicating UI screens. There is not good excuse for why this has not happened yet, since users have been asking for it since at least 2018.

My team is inclined to build our components and libraries in Figma, and our style guides, to share with SW team, but continue to use Axure for all workflow documentation and embedded software prototyping, which we have been loving for the past several years. While Axure is more complex to use, it is also more robust for prototyping at the micro interaction level. It will require extra steps to have to export all our components from Figma for use in Axure, but it is what it is.

Until Figma can give us the capability to link across pages, I can not recommend using it for any prototyping beyond basic sketches.

Is there EVER going to be a response from Figma on this? Sheesh.

I live in hope that they’re working on this in secret as they don’t want to get our hopes up. One day they’ll release it and we’ll all be happy!

Yes, surprised this is not possible.

This isn’t remotely ideal, but one way I’ve accomplished this is using the “External Link” functionality and linking between prototypes.

It’s only borderline usable in the browser, and opens a new tab every time, but helps create a more seamless presentation when jumping between major workflows.

Generally, I don’t find working within one page for a large application that bad. It’s just different from how I used to work. There are downsides to each approach. Lately, I’ve kind of embraced the idea of “I have one big infinite artboard” to play with but run into the pain of finding artboards.

And of course other people have this pain as well:


But at least there’s a plug-in (FlyOver) that can curb that point point. It just forces you to define these jump-off points.

Ideally, I’d rather be able to navigate between Flow starting points.

Anyway, thought this might be helpful context.

Building software is hard. Especially when it’s a big foundational feature like this. Personally, I’ve found Figma an amazing tool. None of them are perfect. Figma’s speed is what initially converted me from Sketch. I hope they keep leaning into that.

Hi there! There’s something i would ask for, for efficiency in making many features on a product my team decided to make a separate pages for each features so that the screen would only be focused on each flow and features. It also helped my devs for looking on what features they’re working on.

But when we make the prototypes, we have to make the screen as a components and duplicate all of the screen into a new separate pages focus only on the prototype which takes some time. While it helped when there’s some minor change on the main component’s screen such as color and text.

It doesn’t help that much when there’s a change to the flow. Is there any way to connect the prototype across pages? Thank u!

Hey everyone, just wanted to chime in and say thanks for all of this great feedback. Our prototyping team is well aware of this need and while we can’t share specifics on our roadmap or make any promises, I can assure you it’s something we’re exploring. 🙂

Can’t wait for an update regarding! It is our main pain points with Figma so far…

Really looking forward to this. As it stands now, we are forced to put everything in one page to be able to create a well functioning prototype.

This is one major feature that will keep me using Sketch and InVision for my serious prototypes. Even lacking the ability to arrow through all the pages consecutively is a huge miss, in my opinion.

Another +1 for this. Would unlock huge value to be able to navigate across multiple pages of a hifi prototype

I’m a starting designer and it took me just about a week to over grow from one page having it all. Performance with single page started to be pretty horrible so I added new pages for each web page I’m designing. Then I just to found out it is not possible to switch between pages using interactions. What a bummer.

I agree with the people here. Especially for components it would be very nice to have. I currently have components in a separate page. I have found that linking the main component to something (let’s say multiple frames) is the best way to do it because I’d only have to change stuff once. Unfortunately, the way this stands it means that my main components need to be on that specific page instead in order for the links to work properly.

+1 Just found out you couldn’t interact between pages. I’m so pissed.

+1 for this! It’s an important feature in other platforms…

+1 on this feature request. This is so essential for bigger projects.

+1 This seems to be really an essential feature to have

+1 for this

@Jono_Young A noble attempt at a work-around 👏

When I try this, the object linking to the other page opens in a new tab but not in ‘play prototype’ mode. Is that what you’re experiencing or is there a way to open the the other page (in a new tab) but remain in play mode?

@Giblette_Ethan_M we have moved away from this approach and we are now using a single page with Flows to serve as a left nav menu.

Genuinely surprised this functionality isn’t supported. I can’t really add anything constructive to this discussion but hopefully if more people comment and vote we can highlight just how much of a massive fail this is from a product perspective.

Figma supports pages because it’s an obvious organisational method and we’ve built our workflows around pages. Figma also supports prototyping which is great for testing and presenting. The fact that the two features are incompatible, and have been for this long is truly puzzling to me.

Always something! This is a show stopper for me. The website has too many sub-pages and we can’t prototype everything into one page - just a mess.

Needing this feature so I can both lay out Jira tickets, as well as keep a prototype going. Making everything into symbols is a clunky way to accomplish.

We’re looking at switching over from Xd. One reason is because Xd limits their workspace and has no way to organize large projects. When I saw Figma has pages, I thought this will be perfect, until I found out there is no good way to link components/interactions across pages.

Please add this Figma or at least let us know if this is on 2022 roadmap. Thanks.

Came across this thread today because I’m creating a prototype with a navigation menu and am following the guidance in the Figma basics tutorial to create a page called Components and put the main component there. However, I realized when trying to add links that the list items couldn’t link to frames on other pages, only other frames in the components page. I guess people put their components off to the side on the artboard of their main prototype page? Else you can just keep your main component as part of your prototype. Would like to +1 feature request to link to components across the full project.
