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  1. What I can’t stand the most is that the panels of the new UI can’t be attached to the edges. They leave some gaps, wasting the space to display the main design and operation area. And visually, these gaps are also distracting my attention.

  2. The toolbar at the bottom also interferes with the main operation space, especially if its color is the same as my design draft. By the way, is it just for the convenience of novices to move it from the top to the bottom? If someone who uses Figma more frequently, he will use shortcuts instead of mouse clicks to trigger these functions.

    So I hope that adjustments can be made in time in the official version of UI3, otherwise these redesign will seem like a subjective conjecture of someone who doesn’t use Figma much.


I can’t read the thread, as I don’t have a Twitter account anymore, but the image looks promising

FYI I’ve edited my post and added the thread’s content.

Ok, just to be clear. Figma decided to remove 48px height bar from the top with all tools available at hand and add this 96px height section in left bar, 50px height section in right bar and 50px height tool bar at the bottom with extra 10px margin for floating effect, saying that’s because they wanted more space?


Additionally, they hid many options and actions that don’t have a default shortcuts (vectors and components actions) from top bar to left bar so we need to make more clicks. Thanks Figma!

Right side bar inputs have problems with contrast or hierarchy, everything blends together, it is hard to look at. Hover state is barely visible (1px grey stroke) and some inputs do not have it at all. Hiding values behind “fill” or “hug” is the most ridiculous idea.

That’s all from me, I’m going back to UI2

Thank you for copying the text from the tweet. (Companies should really have stopped using X/Twitter after they made it obligatory to have an account to even read tweets.)

It sounds like they’re taking the feedback to heart. They certainly hit on most of the points I made. I had noticed the “Clip content” checkbox already. and the Auto-layout resize modes (Fixed/Hug/Fill) proposal looks good.

4/ We’re increasing the number of actions that are shown for a layer and are exploring ways to make sure important ones like mask and boolean ops are visible when you need them.*

Still not a fan of those actions inside the sidebar instead of centered at the top, but at least this will be an improvement.

As for 6:

6/ Many of you have given feedback on other areas, especially rulers and the floating panels. We know there’s still room to improve here, and we are working through some ideas.

This sounds like someone higher-up has their heart set on those floating panels and the designers are franticly trying to make it work… 🙂

Ah well.

I think these improvements are what’s needed for me to start using UI3.

Because I’m going to have to do it anyway, as you know they’ll stop adding the new features to UI2, and probably deprecate it soonish. I wish I had more time to really learn it, but as is I’m not able to hit my deadlines on deliverables.

After digging around I made the switch. The new Ui has this weird margin that is just wasted space. Plus the actions in the top right are constantly changing… WHY??? Why can’t Go to main component always stay in the same spot?

How did Figma miss the mark on this 🙄

Yeah, the new UI is definitely not an improvement. The margins are weird, you can see your actual frames behind the sidebars and toolbars, which makes everything looks messy.

I have no idea what problems they were trying to solve, and how in the world this became a viable solution.

Also, something that’s even more mind boggling, is the fact that they changed everything so drastically, so suddenly. It’s one of the most common sense things to do in UX, and that is make changes gradually. But of course, only when needed. In this context it doesn’t make any sense. A perfectly good app gets a complete makeover for no valid reason.

agreed, the new update sucks

Because of the small fonts and small elements (buttons, icons), the new interface looks disgusting

My eyes instantly get tired and start to hurt due to the fact that they have to put so much effort into literally every element of the new interface. Why is everything so small???

And the scale of the interface does not work correctly, because it breaks the zoom

I couldn’t wait for the new UI. I finally got it this morning and used it all day today, and by the end of the day reverted back to the old UI. I agree, the lighter colors make finding sections more difficult, but they changed the hierarchy on most things on the right panel, and it was extremely frustrating to use. It’s not intuitive. I’ve taught Figma basics to literally hundreds of people and this new UI simply does not make sense. Things like check boxes don’t have enough contrast to see quickly. Like, who was in their testing group? Who in their test group said, “Oh yeah I want you to hide the constraints because I love clicking multiple times to make sure my frame doesn’t warp something, and put text line height formatting with layout instead of text, even though it’s the only relevant area.” And I love that infrequently-used actions such as merging/subtraction have two paths to get to them, literally right next to each other. Like the right panels is so beyond wrecked it’s insane. I haven’t given the left panel much thought, but why would anyone want to collapse all of their frames without hiding the panel UI? And why would anyone want to nearly fully collapse the panel UI, when the option to hide all panels is a shortcut away, and yields nearly the same result?

I want to keep bashing it, but I could write another 5,000 words on this, so I’ll let it be.

…disgusting? Really?

I agree the new UI is a bit of work to get used to. Certain features previously easily accessible are difficult to find now, though I presume after a while I’ll get used to it again.

It would be helpful though to add custom actions into the main bar at the bottom (or at least make them visible by default in the right panel) - as I personally use actions like Union Selection and Subtract Selection etc a lot, and they’re not immediately visible as they were previously.

Agree it sucks, creating components, setting size and constraints, men…

My most overused button is ‘Add a Variant.’ Now, it’s hidden in the top right corner of my screen, inside the ‘More’ options, and then you have to click ‘Add a Variant.’ Extra steps! Unlike before, when you could just click it at the top of the toolbar—easy to navigate.

Disgusting. Really

My main complaint relates to the size of fonts, icons and interactive elements. Why is everything so small?

Use Inter 16, make the minimum size of interactive elements 40x40 and you will get an incredibly comfortable interface

There are also problems with the lack of font accents and holes due to flying panels, but this is less critical

Intro : I’m going to point out some issues with the new UI design for Figma, and then explain why the original UI is better. In short: the new UI makes it more difficult to see, and wastes screen space.

New UI issues:

Why the original UI is better:

Request : I would like to be able to use the original UI, or have Figma make changes to address these issues.

Totally agree, it has so many problems and the UX is very bad, you can increase the scale to fix that problem but some important things are reordered and moved to another place which is also bad.


Absolute is now ignore auto layout 😕

I’ve learned again that things can always be worse than you think.

The font size (if you focus on Inter) is 9

Wow, 9… I just don’t have the words

Please never use a font size smaller than 16 Inter

Toolbar should be able to change it’s position at the very least. You don’t ever use it since you know some hotkeys. My eyes naturally look more to the bottom of the page, and now this useful space is taken by some garbage icons 🙃


C’est plus moderne mais l’usage est dégradé 😭

Nous sommes une équipe de 20 designers et nous n’apprecions pas du tout cette nouvelle version UI3 🤢

Nous avons le même avis que dans les commentaires précèdents.

Perte d’espace, perte des repères, perte de temps, mauvaise position des outils et assets… Revenez à la V2

On the left panel, when the pages section is collapsed there is no clue on which page you are. I liked how you had the name of the page in the old UI on the top right of the panel and looked like a dropdown to open it again. Can you add the name somewhere when is it collapsed?

I know it’s been said elsewhere, but I’m unsure what benefit the floating elements add to the functionality. The design desaturates and bleeds off the edge. The panels look obtrusive over the workspace rather than being outside of it. The rulers make absolutely no sense.

The UI now doesn’t allow for a separation between the tool and workspace. It now feels like it’s intruding on the work I’m trying to do, like a modern-day clippy.

If you want floating panels - please let them properly move around/pin to the edges.

I also cannot believe how small the fonts are now. I use a high resolution to give me lots of canvas space, so I had already scaled the interface to 110%. I checked out what everyone was complaining about - and just "WOW. What‽ That’s bad.”

I personally prefer the previous UI. The new look and feel, particularly the loss of familiar icons, has made it less user-friendly for me. I found the old UI much easier to navigate and use effectively.

Also the sidebar panels appear floating now, as if I were able to move them, which we can’t seem to – wasting useful space in the centre. And being able to see a blurred bit of my design to the left side of the panels is distracting. This feels cosmetic design fluff for the sake of it, and not useful.
