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Styles applied to text layers or component instances get detached at random

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Hi everyone, just to let you know I’m also keeping a separate community thread (Random Text Styles Detaching Itself Saga (unresolved circa 2021!) One Year Later - #2 by tank666) specifically on this very same problem. Everyone’s evidences so far on this seems to be going back since October 2021.



I appreciate your response on this issue. However you might also want to keep track of all other evidence(s) on this very same problem going back since 2021…

I have specifically created a community thread on the intent of expediting this issue in need for attention. And I myself have posted an official bug support. Fast forward nearing a month - stuck on radio silences despite me surrendering evidences after evidences. Yet the official support team still wants more out of me.

@VarunYellina has spoken what everyone needs (not wants) ~ stability over novelty.

  • New Member
  • November 9, 2022

Same thing is happening for us. In particular, all the text styles in our components become detached when we Combine the components as Variants. We keep loosing several hours of work as a result of this. @Figma_Support please please resolve this, it is immensely affecting our productivity.

Tim Chege
UX Designer


I have updated a thread I started about this issue in a specific context (copying properties and pasting to a parent auto layout frame) with a response from @Figma_Support. Was curious if anyone was told something similar.

I have since provided them another example, using a system font for them to troubleshoot on their end.


This issue happen to me right now, all the text style in new screen I created yesterday had been detached by its own. Any issue on how to fix this? Didn’t want to spend hours just to reattached the text style

  • January 13, 2023

Sadly, the detached text styles happened to us to in one of the pretty large projects where putting all text styles back is almost impossible @Figma_Support is there any update on whether this issue will be fixed soon?


Ha, I was thinking that I’m losing my mind. Like, common, I reseted text styles 2 hours ago in this particular screen… or not?

There is a solution. Not ideal, but the fastest: run Selector plugin, select all the text layers, wait, and hit “Reset Text Style”.


Any official update on this issue?

In the mean time, can some one explain to me how i can perform the “reset text style command” automatically for a selection?


This issue is not yet resolved & and its not just text style, color style,…

  • Active Member
  • April 4, 2023

Same issue here - I’m having it with color styles, text styles & components at random which is very annoying!
Also does anyone have a solution to perform the same trick you can do with text styles just with color styles?


This issue has not been resolved.
We are experiencing this issue where the library components have the correct text and color styles applied, but component instances within our files are detached and no longer have the styles applied. The option to “Reset changes” isn’t even available, despite the discrepancy between the library having styles & the instances having none. Placing new components from the library places them with the same issue— many of the text layers are no longer connected to their color or text styles.


I just encountered that the Figma detached text styles bug has affected another of our projects.

The batch “reset text style” command was no longer usable as a workaround to fix the issue.

I was about to do a test by creating a new component in the UI Kit (the library file) with one variant set with a library text style and the other with the style removed - then testing the instance in another Figma file where the library is used. What I encountered when I attempted to publish the library was that for some reason it looked as if all the text styles were previously removed and are now added back….

So, I published the library and everything was back to normal in the Figma file where instances of the components were used (without having to accept any library updates).

Maybe the issue is not in the instances but in the library file, where for some reason these get unintentionally removed from the published library without notice?


We’re having the same issues.

  • January 9, 2024

Suffering from this too 🫠 Help @Figma_Support

  • January 14, 2024

This issue has happened times and times, and I don’t know what is the reason and solution!
Dear Figma, please solve this frustrating issue,
Thank you ☘️

  • Community Support
  • January 15, 2024

Hey there!
Thanks for flagging it, I’ve checked in our back end and we are not aware of this issue.
For visibility, I saw @Rafa that you’ve filled out a ticket, and our technical team shared a detail workaround. I am sharing here as it may also help the community. If not, I’d suggest to reach out directly the support with a copy of your file so we can investigate it further here:

To solve the issue with these styles, the main workaround is to update the related fonts that you encounter the issue:
"In most cases, when a problem with styles affects only text styles, this is nearly always caused by the use of conflicting font files across editors on the file and connected libraries. This means that editors on a library or the file where the fonts are detached are using different versions of the font with slightly different sizing or spacing which the system logs as a font change to that text. Our database indicates some font conflicts for the file url you shared though it’s not possible for us to see if these are used in the styles that were detached so I can’s say for certain this is the case.

Our Help Center has more information about resolving this kind of issue: Manage conflicting fonts (

If this is a recent problem, the quickest way to resolve it is is to roll back the file to before the styles were detached before taking any next steps.

Following this, or if you’re not able to roll back, we suggest that you have all editors remove these fonts if they are locally installed and then all install the same version locally. You will then need to restart Figma to serve the correct font version. Alternatively, you can ask all team members to delete their local font versions and then upload the font files as shared fonts. You can read about that feature in our Help Center: Manage fonts in an organization (

After installing the font files, if this is affecting component appearance you can launch quick commands (cmd /) then use the ‘Regenerate all instances’ tool to refresh all of your instances at the same time.

If it is affecting text or style appearance or settings outside of components you can use quick commands to “Select all with same font” and then “Recompute text layout in selection.”

Because these text changes can be registered as overrides, for instances I’d also suggest you check if there are any font style overrides which will need to be removed.

If this doesn’t re-attach those styles they can be reattached manually, by selecting a text element and using ‘Select all with same text properties’ to manually assign the style. If you haven’t done a significant amount of work on the file since the styles were not detached you can also roll back to a version before this happened as shown in View a file’s version history (

Hope it helps!


We just had this exact same issue. Was working with some variants and all of a sudden, all text styles across multiple pages where disconnected. Weirdly cannot restore via version history as well.


Hello Bart,

Would you please check and see if the library text styles are actually published?

I had this issues multiple times in the past and the last time I experienced that it turned out that for some reason the library text styles were unpublished, and this was causing the issue.

Maybe try to unpublish and then publish back the styles in the library and see if that fixes the issue.


Hi Ivan,

i’ve check but i am using local files. Can this be the issue?


Do you mean the issues you are having is with styles that are not part of a library?

Maybe check this workaround if it helps


We are still having this issue in July 2024. Please let us know when this might be resolved.


Still happening to me. Completely ruined an entire design file, huge amount of work to fix this every time it happens.

Luc D
  • New Member
  • March 13, 2025

Hello Figma team, can we get this bug solved? I came here to ask about the exact same thing, I have a zillion assets to style on a (not even large) project and I keep going back and forth to reattach the broken styles! It’s driving me nuts!

  • New Participant
  • March 13, 2025

Just had this issue: a component instance has a style applied and it contains a text layer inside. If I apply a style to the text, the style of the component just breaks. It doesn't need to be multiple components selected, it happens even if I'm editing a single text layer inside a single selected component.


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