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Dev mode pricing

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I’m still trying hard to imagine how the Figma meeting where they approved all this changes was. So random, so inaccurate.

  • 2 replies
  • February 1, 2024

What happens if we have external developers who we share the design with. Do we have to pay for their seats? just so they can have DEV mode. Some have a paid subscription, but it is useless, we have to pay for them to access DEV mode. Figma is charging 2 times.

Makes no sense.


This makes no sense!
We have 2 editors seats and our designs are shared (view-only) among 7 others developers. Our cost would increase from $24 (2x Professional seats) to $310 (3x Minimum Organization seats $135 + 7 Dev seats $175).

If we had only 9 Professional seats, the cost would be $108. They would be enabled to see everything in Dev mode we could, but there’s no option to “block” their changes on Design mode? That’s ridiculous


It’s a similar situation in our company. We had long discussions and negotiations with the management until we finally adopted Figma for all Designers. The move to now also have Developers pay comes at a bad time and we as Designers are worried how long we still can use Figma - our Company won’t buy additional licenses for Developers, that’s for sure, and if we would have to it would be impossible for us to argue for it in the future… a real bummer and I agree it will lead to people leaving Figma.

  • 7 replies
  • February 1, 2024

The fact that no one is responding to this worries me greatly.

I just tried to find a way to launch normal Chromium DevTools which used to be available through a shortcut, it is now gone.

Gone is also my ability to choose whether or not I want to use DevTools.
How can I turn off the Devmode for my team completely?


What is happening here Figma 😔 ?

Our design and engineering teams are deeply disappointed with this pricing decision. I am not sure what researcher or analyst convinced the executive team that 0 developers paying $25 a seat would generate more revenue than 30 developers paying $5-10 dollars a seat. If you read through these posts or just speak with your diverse set of customers you will see that many ( maybe not all ) of our organizations have a team of developers that just want to inspect properties, and usually only a few times a month. This will never justify the price point you landed on.

As I am sure you know in most software organizations developers outnumber design staff by a minimum of 5 to 1. I assume this is partially the motivation to some of the changes, tapping into an adjacent market where you are already embedded in the org. However, the issue is that at this rate, our developers will not only not use the offering, they will begin to propose new software solutions and eventually the design team will have to follow along.

We really are trying to look at this objectively and understand you have a fiduciary responsibility to grow the business, but you would have been much better off starting at a feature appropriate price point > gaining more interests from development teams > creating more developer centric features > and then raising the per seat costs once the developer feature set and use case matched the price point.

We are huge fans of Figma Design and FigJam as products and generally have been big supporters of the entire Figma organization. As a design team we still are, but this decision has soured much of our development team and key decision makers in the org. It is never too late for you to make an adjustment here. Perhaps you can offer the basic inspection ( tokens, measurement, etc…) for $5 or better yet, win organizations over to dev-mode for $10 and see where it goes. We believe it is in both your best interests and ours to not hold on to this decision too tightly and make a change here.

  • 2 replies
  • February 1, 2024

Can I ask
We do only development and all the designs are shared to us
I don’t understand, do we need to pay an account?


These posts should be merged. Dev mode pricing - #21 by ppz

  • 2 replies
  • February 1, 2024

@Marco33 no, that is what we thought. We have a subscription but it is useless if someone shares a document with you. It is the owner of the team where the shared doc is who has to pay for you to have have dev mode. Basically give you editor access, and this means they pay an extra seat.


Absolutely no logic in such pricing approach! I wonder if it is because Figma is no longer interested in having smaller customers, and rather have them move to XD.


Figma is now looking like they don’t care about us anymore. This bad sign made most of us jump to Figma from Adobe and Sketch. But now they are taking the same path and don’t care to empathize with their users.

If care is not taken they will soon charge us differently to use the prototyping feature of Figma.

Figma please bear with your users. We love you and don’t chase us away. This is a typical Adobe move

  • New Participant
  • 7 replies
  • February 1, 2024

This is such a bold move Adobe, eh, I mean Figma. You know, as a freelance designer I have a professional plan, all my project are within my account. Why should I pay for external developers who want to inspect my designs?

Why do I even have to upgrade my account from professional to organisation just to be able to grant some external developer Dev Mode access but NOT edit permissions!?

PS: Thanks for removing the box model view. It was way to handy to be accessed without paying.

  • 2 replies
  • February 1, 2024

Thanks for getting back on this, is so damn unclear in the documentation
The designers we work with will not be too happy about this news …


This ridiculous new pricing makes it seem like I’m no longer part of the target group of Figma. It’s a shame, really. Thankfully there’s plenty of other options 👋

  • Active Member
  • 110 replies
  • February 1, 2024

@Program @Wiredframe
I’m afraid that it will be the same as this post :

It will be a never ending complaint, and they’ll probably never answer
I hope, I’m wrong

just a call from devs this morning that couldn’t see much on the file and then realized sometime in the last few months… Figma removed the free DEV MODE got even more expensive again. We are 2 designers (soon to be 3) in a large organization with MANY DEVS, we can’t be giving them all seats or whatever this extra $$ is, this is so annoying and hard to work with.
This will add so much extra work on us and switching over to another software AGAIN after switching to Figma a few years ago will be such a pain, come on Figma. Do better.


This is the issue I am having. Our team is small, 3 designers / 4 developers. We were fine with paying for the dev mode seat in professional but I was surprised that the only option was a full design seat. I would even be okay paying the same amount as a design seat in the professional plan as long as I can restrict them from editing designs and give dev mode only access to the developers which is the only thing they want or need.


The only thing the most of us need is the box model inspector and the CSS list column for “only view” developers. JUST THAT. If Figma think the rest of the Dev Mode is so worth it, just sell the full Dev Mode as a paid seat and let the rest of us use the box model and CSS list column as the standard inspector.


It’s just sad to see companies like this just hungry for money! Just giving opportunities for others to start improving and maybe surpass 😠


This pricing has been pretty frustrating for our org. What seems to have happened is they took away a bunch of pre-existing features, put them in a new panel (where they don’t work quite as well) and added a couple new ones - then put a big new price tag on it. So you now have to pay significantly more just to get the functionality you had before.

We’re already paying Figma lots of money. This feels like a pretty cynical/desperate cash grab, and certainly makes me want to take a look at alternatives.


Our MT pretty much said an instant no when we told them the pricing of dev mode.

Our devs also said “meh” when we asked if they needed DEV mode


When Figma moved the ability to copy code from inspect to Dev mode, they communicated that these features would remain free once Dev mode was released. This functionality has been decimated…


It’s frustrating that Figma would sell their users out like this, and push this release like it’s benefitting us. Zepplin is starting to look like a better fit than Dev mode. The pricing is just so illogical and abusive. It feels like Figma lost the Adobe acquisition so they just adopted Adobe’s parasitic pricing models instead.


It’s so frustrating to see how Figma has dropped the ball on this. It just punishes use of the plan at larger scales and makes it harder for big organizations to adopt Figma. I don’t know if they’re increasing their revenue by a couple of percentages from this change, but it’s a rot that will undermine their adoption. Did they get some tips on product pricing from Adobe lol?


Last year, we were all lamenting the Adobe deal because we feared that Figma would start these price-gouging practices that Adobe has become infamous for

The deal fell through, guys. You don’t have to continue acting like Adobe, so how about a better deal on this nonsense?


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