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Dev mode pricing

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We need a “dev mode only” for developers.
It doesn’t matter whether a developer has view-only or editor access to a Figma file.
What matters is the dev mode access to a developer. That’s it!


Can you confirm that you have to give developers edit rights to files to access dev mode (professional plan)?
I once read that you have to pay for a full seat for developers in order to use dev mode but it’s not necessary to also give them edit rights for files to access dev mode. View only rights for files should do it.
So every developer who could access dev mode in beta should still be able to access dev mode by getting a full seat in Figma.


Hey Figma,

I guess you really don’t get the point. If we can’t sell internally in our orgs you can’t sell this either. This is a clusterfuck for small and big orgs because of the extracosts. You basically begging us to switch to an alternative.



It’s also frustrating for smaller companies: we had long and very difficult discussions to argue for the adopting Figma for designers - it’s even harder to now convince management that they have to pay a hell of a lot more suddenly…


Hey Figma,

I guess you really don’t get the point. If we (designers/researchers) can’t sell this price/value in our orgs internally you will never sell this price/value. This is a clusterfuck for small and big orgs because of the extracosts. You are basically begging us to switch to an alternative asap.



It feels like even though the Adobe deal didn’t go through, they somehow got infected with a mutation of the Adobe virus. It was hard to convince management to adopt Figma because of the already high costs - this move will give them a reason to question the adoption again.


Agree and even with a Dev seat lower price now the attitude is awful and it goes to show how a profitable business only turns ravenous when they have a privileged position in the market. They know it’s hard for us to migrate to another tool (unless said tool makes a seamless import, which is very possible) so they can hike up the prices and boast about an even higher bottom line. Now this is how you kill user’s good will and affection for the company, which I had. Well done?

  • 4 replies
  • February 5, 2024

Feel like a new Figma killer tool is coming because of this stupid business move. Even you wanna charge for a dev view. How can a inspect only acc cost the same as editor? What’s wrong with your maths?

The view function is simply just a JPEG online now.

  • 4 replies
  • February 5, 2024

Figma is killing themselves and the whole design market instead of making additional money.

  1. Some basic maths is wrong to charge on inspecting. No company can agree with at least a double cost of design tool just becuz of fxxking basic inspecting
  2. Designers need to paid all the bills and buy some seats, if Developers are not in the same company. Just imagine the case of consultants and freelancer and you will know.
  3. Figma ignore the billing experience but just beta for user experience. This a such a joke for the biggest design tool company

for team with 2 designers 5 managers and 30 developers we need +35 pro licenses? looks like scam


Besides that, there’s a whole new level of issue for small companies. I’m running a small design agency who works with many clients, and for me now it appears that I need to pay for each and every developer who works on 10+ different projects I currently have.

I will request the money back from clients to compensate that, but I still will face terrible issue with financial management, where some clients can forget to pay, or refuse to pay, or I forget to remind, or one of their devs gives access to another dev and it will double the price… I mean, I’m a designer, a design small agency, why should I bother with paying for developers and facing additional frustrating issues?

I created a new topic about that, please support who has same issue: Why designer should pay for dev mode?


Exactly, what is the basic file inspector mentioned in the free tier anyways?


Ridiculous that every single developer option is hidden behind a paywall now. It was positioned during the beta that “Inspect” would still have its basic functionality post the beta, this is clearly untrue.

We are a large organisation as well, and this price tag is a slap in the face.

The reply in one of the threads around the fact that there is a “basic” inspect available for viewers is incorrect. The properties panel is of NO use and value to our developers.


And this is so frustrating. I have a design agency, with no developers, we are doing only design for many different clients. And now I’m forced to pay for developers of those clients, then ask clients to pay me back. It is very time consuming. Please make sure to write here down if you find some workaround.

Figma seems to think its a development tool now, not a design tool! they seem to think businesses will be willing to pay for simple inspect and export features they had for free. they are mistaken, part of me thinks this is sabotage initiated from Adobe and planned if and when their acquisition deal fell through…i mean, way to get people to flock back to actual design tools that know their PLACE. sort it out Figma, its not too late to undo the damage you are doing, lol, well maybe a little too late.

most orgs equal 1 designer to 10 devs, as if orgs are going to suddenly pay 10x the price for something they see a design tool, because it is a design tool. this is why i think sabotage, I know Figma are greedy but they’ve never so intent on self destruction before. until you have ai that can actually do the dev work, it will remain a design tool.


Strange that none of the Figmaboys are replying to this thread. Probably busy counting their dollar notes 🙈

  • 25 replies
  • February 6, 2024

Holy. Moly.

Way to descimate an otherwise great feature, especially now with the annotations being released.

Way to stab your users in the back.

All I can hope is that whoever made this decision at Figma will be aboard Figma if the ship starts sinking. But as these things go, a bunch of middle managers get hired to “optimise the product” (read 💸) and then they optimise it by screwing the customer. Everyone will lose in the end, except for a greedy few who can now point at the quarterly figures and show how they made money chart go up for company. Nevermind that something like this won’t be forgotten by a single user.

We won’t leave now Figma, even if we threat.

But once we start leaving, it’ll be too late for you to do anything.

Absolutely short-sighted move.

Designers spend their lives in Figma. Devs don’t. The pricing makes no sense, and you took the inspect panel away while I still pay the same price. And now, devs can litteraly destroy everything in the files and mess them up big time without realizing it.

Also, as a prescriptor since beta, I feel betrayed. Very bad move. Please fix this, quick.


My team is finally collaborating in Figma after a long process to get dev and designer working together in one space.

Figma is a design tool. It isn’t the primary tool for implementation it’s a bridge. It’s really ridiculous that the cost of a dev seat is only slightly less than a designer seat.

Very frustrated.

  • 1 reply
  • February 6, 2024

This is just straight up bad from Figma. Had the exact same issue with internal chats and eventually got the green line for an Org plan for 3 designers (already quite extortionate). But that took A LOT of convincing and dying on numerous hills to get cleared.

Now we have to pay for 60+ dev seats for our engineering team? Not a fucking chance!

Looking for alternative tools now, and suspect others will be doing the same. Cheers Figma! 💩


I will leave this here so it is not lost in time. It was posted by another user in another thread. This was Figma’s promise of “you will be able to inspect the design after DevMode ends beta”. What a joke.

This is unacceptable something needs to be done urgently


Terrible decision Figma team! I hope that seeking the money doesn’t kill the excellent product you guys have been developing. This will be deeply harm the whole Figma community, specially the smaller teams that doesn’t have that budget to pay for all Dev seats + the issues with giving them Editor permission.
Looking for alternatives now.

  • 7 replies
  • February 7, 2024

Another day, another developer requesting a dev mode in my team in Figma, and my hands being tied because it is not in our budget to spend that much money on a single seat for a front-ender.

How can I solve this? How do we move forward?


Really frustrating Figma team


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