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Dev mode pricing

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Devs are moaning, Procurement is denying.
At our Agency Devs are outnumbering Designers 10 to 1. How could we possibly argue against this?


Well, if I look back I really put a lot of afford into bringing Figma to our company.
But with the new DevMode being fully tied to a complete editor seat with all those costs just to see some dimensions is the worst rip off ever made.
If you cant figure things out you could loose a lot of paying members. Is that your goal? I dont think so.

I hope you’re able to fix this quickly because I already don’t appreciate being put in the middle of billing requests; I’m a designer needing to use a design tool. I don’t control any budget and it took me a lot of non-design work to get it adopted in my org.

If we switch I definitely won’t look back.


It’s weird from wherever you look at it, even not considering pricing the plan does not adjust to small freelance agencies either. I have a small product design agency - no dev team - but work with many short / mid term clients and their dev teams.

However, even if we tried to assume the cost of dev mode for someone outside our team, we would have to grant them access to our team where the files are created, since that is the way the solution is being proposed. Seems a lot of scenarios where skipped when creating this solution.

  • 4 replies
  • February 9, 2024

+1 to the general consensus here. I will be looking into alternative solutions

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • February 9, 2024

Not only the pricing is a joke but also that Figma only allows Dev-Mode in combination with edit rights. Like wtf aren’t you aware, that teams also work with external contractors (= engineers / developers)? They should not automatically have rights to edit a file. Not just because they do not need or want it but also because of many other reasons (errors, security issues, …).


This is the worst decision ever, I agree that at some points “Dev Mode” should be paid but, $25 / $35 per seat?! This needs to be reviewed as soon as possible or Figma will lose a lot of users. This is the best time for competitors to strike!

It’s time for the new app is there any alternative for Figma.
I have just used this for it have dev mode.
I think now it’s better not use Figma.


Looking for alternatives as well. A promising open-source one is Penpot.


It’s ridiculous for them to paywall a core feature of the program. Will it cost $20/mo for drawing circles next? The free mode limitations have always been unnecessarily annoying, but this has made me quit using Figma. Please look at how other companies do team & enterprise pricing for some inspiration! 🙂

This is a Figma killer decision !!


Figma - CAN YOU PLEASE give the ability to disable Edit access for Developers using Dev Mode on the Professional Pricing Tier - This is causing major problems with erroneous changes to design files. My team is seriously looking at alternatives like PenPot.

  • 1 reply
  • February 12, 2024

With this decision, Figma will no longer be useful for us. We only have 3 designers but many developers in different teams. If the developers can no longer use our designs without needing a paid account for each of them, we will probably have to switch back to XD. Too bad, I really liked Figma…


Another alternative which is very similar to Figma is Pixso.

  • 1 reply
  • February 13, 2024

Terrible move by Figma.

I’ve been trying Pixso for the past day or so and feel its just as good or maybe better then Figma already. It definitely feels faster. Im most likely moving that way.

  • 1 reply
  • February 14, 2024

We have just a few designs to many developers (that definitely should not have nor do they need edit access).

How can you not have a cheaper, view only, dev seat?

Not financially sustainable and already causing issues with engineers somehow breaking things.

I’ve heard pixso, Penpot are alternatives… any other options we should be looking into?


Yeah, we are not adopting it at this stage. Dev Mode is amazing, but we can’t take that kind of cost increase, it’s just crazy. We are only a couple of designers for a team of like 15 devs, so the cost would be way too much for us. Not sure what case scenario they thought this would apply to, their market research has definitely failed here 👎

  • 1 reply
  • February 15, 2024

Completely agree with the sentiment from all the above.

We are primarily a development house, with only 2 fulltime designers and ~30 devs. We were expecting something closer to a FigJam model, completely ready to purchase a smaller dev mode subscription for every team member without question. Now we’re not even considering it.

Funny how Figma follows Adobe’s shaming pricing even though the deal is off…

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • February 16, 2024

If you want Figma to remove edit rights from Dev-Mode seats please feel free to vote here:

  • 1 reply
  • February 16, 2024

Isn’t it interesting that Figma expects a company to increase the cost of Figma by several 100% with this change? We’re talking about 5x-10x higher price per month. It’s insane.

We’re currently looking to switch to something more reasonable.


Yeah, unbelievable that this even got implemented… Our internal team is 1 designer, and 8 developers, which is a huge increase in cost for us. We are willing to pay for our team seats. But we also do UI/UX design projects that we do not develop in-house. Why in the world would we pay for our clients dev seat, if in fact, they have their own paid plan?

We have to keep the design file and still collab with their devs, so we are penalized and charged for the seats that they already pay for. Really dumb.

I prolly won’t be using Figma anymore, i can’t even extract Gradient from a rectangle, pitiful

  • 2 replies
  • February 23, 2024

That doesn’t make any sense. Have to bail from Figma and move all our designers to another tool now.

  • 1 reply
  • February 28, 2024

This pricing move and functionality removal is insane. Inspect was good. Dev mode is better, sure. But not at extra cost and greater risk. We work hard to get Figma approved in our orgs, to encourage devs to visit our designs in Figma and learn to use yet another tool. Now someone has to pay for the devs to access those designs? And, even worse, in the Professional plan we need them to have a design seat, heaping risk and complexity on top of financial cost. Just wow.

Part of the reason Figma was great was that small designers could afford to use it and it made hand-offs to their clients effective. Plus, they were learning an industry standard tool. Now, that’s a much more confused picture.

It’s madness, Figma. You have to fix this. You are bleeding credibility, you are losing business.


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