Same, me too, yeah, they’re just missing…
All my libraries are inaccessible from all my working files.
The source files are there but nothing to do.
I’ve looked at similar cases and tried all the “tips and tricks” available and… nothing works.
Note that even in the files dedicated to styles, I can’t access the styles that are in the file…
I’m in the middle of a release, it’s a disaster.
same, I even reinstalled it
Artificial intelligence has captured the Figma data center 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Same issue for mac desktop app. Please help.
Not working over here… even in my design system where I create all my styles it’s not appearing in my selections.
Yeah, we’re seeing this bug at Microsoft Design too… a widespread bug
I no longer see my type styles when I click on a piece of text that has a style assigned.
I can see that I have local styles:
And if I select some text, I can see that one of my styles is assigned
But then if I click on the style, I can’t see my other styles, and so cannot assign a style.
If I search on an existing style name, nothing comes up
I’m hoping this something really simple I’m doing wrong.
+1 having this issue. I even asked my company to check billing because it looked like I lost access to external libraries.
If anyone knows to fix it, please let us know!
I am having this same problem right now!
They are aware of the issue
Yeah it just happened it was fine like 20m ago
I am having the exact same issue. I thought I was going crazy. It was working ten-fifteen minutes ago and suddenly stopped appearing.
I’m having the same issue.
Same issue here - desktop app
You’re not doing anything wrong, seems to be an issue with all styles, since color styles are also affected.
I can’t do any meaningful work now. Huge problem.
Just happened to us too. I hope it’s not a sign of things to come.
Weird it’s down for our whole company.
I tried all that I can think of on browser and desktop no luck! Must be forced lunch time!
Having the same issue 😢 😢 I thought I click something wrong or I was crazy
how can we inform the Figma creators that there’s a deadline