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Copy text from Prototype

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Hi Figma Team, we still need this feature 😉


I also have this need! Being and to click and drag to select text within the prototype so I can copy it would be really convenient.

Throwing my vote in here as I’d like the ability to copy hex codes in an identity guide to the user’s pasteboard, as mentioned by another requester.


@Figma let’s make this happen 🙏🙏🙏 please!

  • New Member
  • 4 replies
  • September 26, 2023

This is verging on a showstopper for us migrating to Figma.

We have multiple stakeholders reviewing designs who need to be able to easily step through multiple pages and copy text for changes.

We can’t expect them to change into editor mode, navigate the artboards, then dig down through nested elements to accomplish this.

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  • December 25, 2023

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  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • October 8, 2024

I would really love to vote on this idea:

But it closed down.

What I would use it for:
One of the pages of my Figma files is usually dedicated to the Design System. I would love to be able to share this page as a prototype where users could select the text. For example color values, type values, ‘class’-names etc. Typing over manually is not great.

Yes I know I can create a separate Figma file with just the Design System and publish this, so other files can use it. But this is not ideal for two reasons:

  1. Most of the time I just work with one file, not separate design files. Having the styles and components library as a separate file would only complicate the workflow
  2. To be able to select anything in a file (not prototype) a user would need to register a Figma account while Prototypes can be accessed without an account.

As @Vlad_Radionov said: “I think it would be a great update to the Figma prototype if you could copy text from there.”


I am a mid-level manager currently establishing a new UI team in the company. The company has very limited knowledge of UI/UX basics, and I am creating a series of design process materials that I hope can serve as an encyclopedia. I initially tried using Canva because it can be turned into a real webpage with a URL, but its design capabilities are somewhat limited, and the process is quite cumbersome. Later, I decided to use Figma directly, but I forgot that prototypes cannot copy text, which means I have to think of another way to include the NAS path. We definitely need this functionality.


I think it would be a great update to the Figma prototype if you could copy text from there.

I share presentations in prototype mode and clients can’t copy texts directly from prototypes. 

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