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Desktop app blank white screen/crash


Hello, after today’s update, there is a problem. After starting the figma, after about 1-2 minutes of operation, the entire application screen simply turns white. What could be the problem?

  • Power Member
  • April 15, 2021

Have you tried restarting the computer? Reinstalling the app?


Yes, I tried both methods, the problem was not solved, the screen looks like this about 1-2 minutes after starting Figma.


You can try running the Figma Desktop App with the --disable-gpu-compositing flag.


I tried it. When starting the window, it writes through this error in the console ( But at the same time, at this time the window is still working, after 1 minute the window turns white and the console writes this window (

Flag (–disable-gpu-compositing) didn’t help, the problem didn’t persist.


Found a new error when running the app itself in the console (


I split the project into two, thus reducing the number of pages in half. It seems that the problem has been solved, for 30 minutes everything works stably.


The problem is back, help me :с


Submit a detailed bug report to support. Attach a video demonstrating the problem and a link to your file to the report. You can record video with the console open.

Does anyone else have this error or are you the only editor? If you wish, you can send me a link to your file and playback steps in DM to see if I have the same problem.


I am having the same issue.


Me too


I have the same problem after a recent update. In addition, there are freezes when switching tabs with projects.


Please tell me, did you manage to solve the problem? Thank you

  • April 24, 2021

Такая же проблема в большом файле


I’m having the same exact issue. I use a Windows 64bit with 16g RAM. Figma Desktop App was working perfectly up until the last update about a month ago. Can someone help me fix this problem? It’s nearly impossible to complete any work or collaborating. White screen after a few seconds of use is extremely inconvenient. My coworkers are all using MAC OS and they don’t have issues but I think this issue is exclusive to Windows users. Please advise, thank you.

  • May 12, 2021

Same here, after newer updates, when I enter more complicated screen then figma crash after some time of working (WHITE SCREEN) and I can’t do anything.
(mostly when zooming in and when more files are loaded)

The project just freezes, there is no button to refresh… nothing. All my work is gone, because I need to close it to work again and I can’t save it.

I think it’s connected to memory leak or something. Also this is really disturbing because I got 16GB of RAM and figma just skyrockets from 40% to 95% and beyond and then probably crash.

@figma please FIX

For reference, this is how app looks like:


the same problem here. in my case my projects no longer open in the browser, it gets stuck on the loading screen, no matter if I try on Opera, Chrome, Edge … Because of that I decided to install the application for windows, and when opening it does not display nothing, just a white screen, I didn’t even have a chance to log in.


I’m having the same issue on Windows. I reinstalled the app and it still doesn’t work. Please fix @figma


Uh oh … we can’t open that file. We can’t open this file because we’re having trouble with WebGL.

До этого все работало нормально. Но после обновления выдает ошибку. Переустанавливал Figma, обновлял и проверял драйвер, даже запускал Figma с флагом --disable-gpu-compositing. Ничего не помогает.


argggg there’s too much fog in figma right now…


I also have the same issues. After updating the app the software version say cant open because of WebGL i also enabled webgl but still problem exists.


What graphic card do you have? There is a suspicion that they are simply no longer support legacy video cards due to lack of hardware compatibility.

For example, I have an AMD Radeon HD6950 2GB card and as I understand it is already 10 years old. And its driver stopped updating in 2015.


Same thing with the Windows app here. The screen is blank at first and the most recently open tabs are forgotten. Already cleared everything in %APPDATA%\Figma, doesn’t work. Please fix ASAP, thanks!


[WHITE SCREEN: RESOLVED] Finally, I have figured it out; however, you may not be too thrilled about it. I’m using a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Extreme with 16gb RAM and it wasn’t enough. I ran my Task Manager to check what was being throttled and saw that my RAM was clocking really high before Figma turned white. So, I bought an extra 16gb RAM (total 32gb RAM) and now Figma runs with no issues at all. I checked the Task Manager again and it shows that while Figma is running, RAM is clocking at close to 20gb.

Bottomline: If you “only” have 16gb of RAM, it’s not enough.


@tae_kim, I’m glad you resolved the issue, although I suspect most people won’t buy the extra RAM… (BTW, it would be interesting to know whether users who do have 32 GB are experiencing this problem too.) Windows reports around 560 MB or 7% usage for Figma on my machine. I’ll try switching off Chrome (biggest memory hog here) and test it again.

Nevertheless, this problem was very likely introduced in the latest version (98.10) so it’s fixable. My Figma colleague here didn’t upgrade so he doesn’t have the issue. We both have 32 GB machines.

I still say this is a bug, I hope the good fellows at Figma come with a solution soon. Any response from them would be very nice at this point.



Same problem during the last month. White screen after 1-2 mins of using. Keep using Figma becomes a problem…
Screenshot from a console:


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