Styles applied to text layers or component instances get detached at random

I’ve been having this issue as well. Lots of occurrences lately, not just on variants but also regular frames. I’ve just had almost a whole page get detached – very frustrating.

@dvaliao if there’s any way to push this further up the priority I’m sure many people would appreciate it.

Same here just yesterday my team member realized whenever they select a text layer in a master component it’s doesn’t have text styles applied anymore. It still persist today.

Does having a separate file for styles?

hey @Figma_Support i had the same issue. Texts are detached randomly. It is really annoying in a huge project. Is there a way to solve it?

@Figma_Support this issue keeps happening on a daily bases, not only with textstyles but also components and component variants. Its a huge inconvenience, as when you reattach the component changed content is not kept (eg. changed text/titles etc… )

A work around to find all the detatched textfields etc is to use the plugin Similayer and reattach it to what it is supposed to be.

@Figma_Support While I haven’t noticed this happening randomly, I have noticed that global text styles will detach when copying properties to a parent auto layout frame. I made a separate issue about it here:

I’m having the text style detach issue and this plugin helped make reattaching the global styles much less tedious. Thank you! I hope @Figma_Support has a fix for this soon.

Hi everyone, just to let you know I’m also keeping a separate community thread (Random Text Styles Detaching Itself Saga (unresolved circa 2021!) One Year Later - #2 by tank666) specifically on this very same problem. Everyone’s evidences so far on this seems to be going back since October 2021.


I appreciate your response on this issue. However you might also want to keep track of all other evidence(s) on this very same problem going back since 2021…

I have specifically created a community thread on the intent of expediting this issue in need for attention. And I myself have posted an official bug support. Fast forward nearing a month - stuck on radio silences despite me surrendering evidences after evidences. Yet the official support team still wants more out of me.

@VarunYellina has spoken what everyone needs (not wants) ~ stability over novelty.

Same thing is happening for us. In particular, all the text styles in our components become detached when we Combine the components as Variants. We keep loosing several hours of work as a result of this. @Figma_Support please please resolve this, it is immensely affecting our productivity.

Tim Chege
UX Designer

I have updated a thread I started about this issue in a specific context (copying properties and pasting to a parent auto layout frame) with a response from @Figma_Support. Was curious if anyone was told something similar.

I have since provided them another example, using a system font for them to troubleshoot on their end.

This issue happen to me right now, all the text style in new screen I created yesterday had been detached by its own. Any issue on how to fix this? Didn’t want to spend hours just to reattached the text style

Sadly, the detached text styles happened to us to in one of the pretty large projects where putting all text styles back is almost impossible @Figma_Support is there any update on whether this issue will be fixed soon?

Ha, I was thinking that I’m losing my mind. Like, common, I reseted text styles 2 hours ago in this particular screen… or not?

There is a solution. Not ideal, but the fastest: run Selector plugin, select all the text layers, wait, and hit “Reset Text Style”.

Any official update on this issue?

In the mean time, can some one explain to me how i can perform the “reset text style command” automatically for a selection?

This issue is not yet resolved & and its not just text style, color style,…

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Same issue here - I’m having it with color styles, text styles & components at random which is very annoying!
Also does anyone have a solution to perform the same trick you can do with text styles just with color styles?

This issue has not been resolved.
We are experiencing this issue where the library components have the correct text and color styles applied, but component instances within our files are detached and no longer have the styles applied. The option to “Reset changes” isn’t even available, despite the discrepancy between the library having styles & the instances having none. Placing new components from the library places them with the same issue— many of the text layers are no longer connected to their color or text styles.

I just encountered that the Figma detached text styles bug has affected another of our projects.

The batch “reset text style” command was no longer usable as a workaround to fix the issue.

I was about to do a test by creating a new component in the UI Kit (the library file) with one variant set with a library text style and the other with the style removed - then testing the instance in another Figma file where the library is used. What I encountered when I attempted to publish the library was that for some reason it looked as if all the text styles were previously removed and are now added back….

So, I published the library and everything was back to normal in the Figma file where instances of the components were used (without having to accept any library updates).

Maybe the issue is not in the instances but in the library file, where for some reason these get unintentionally removed from the published library without notice?

We’re having the same issues.

Suffering from this too :melting_face: Help @Figma_Support

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