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Currently, in Figma, smart animate only works on opacity, color fill, stroke, position, width&height. The options at your disposal when making an interactive prototype are pretty limited.

It would come in handy if Figma can expand the supported animatable properties to include: Radius, Effects (shadow spread), VectorNetwork, Polygon Ratio, Ellipse Sweep, Dash, etc.

Nothing on this yet?

Just found this, and 2 years later, surprised no support yet. ☹

This is definitely a bug for Smart Animate. Has anyone contacted support and sent them this forum post? I’d encourage you to do so if not. @Mr.Biscuit did you?

Yes, it’s a shame because this isn’t something new. I’d be happy to have it with the requirement that both shapes have the same number of points.

Animating objects along a curve would be a welcome feature too.

I am wondering if Figma Prototype can do object/path morphing, like an example I attach below, I think it would be awesome for better Prototype result, and also useful for creating beautiful animation to be converted as Lottie.

Object Morph

Hi all! Thank you @tank666 for noticing it. I’ll go head and merge this topic to this one: Support vector animations in "smart animate" to gather all feedbacks in one place. 🙂 (cc @Sam_Elghaz )

Mark me as a +1 for this feature. Would love to see Smart Animate work within boolean groups.

+1, been wanting this one for a while

Would love this feature in Figma – it’s currently the only thing preventing me from using the program full-time. Any updates on this? It seems to be very heavily requested and I’d love to see it happen! 🙏 @Figma

I just stumbled upon this myself and was surprised my vertices didn’t animate.

even adobe XD have it. please update it

+1, the lack of this functionality will prevent my design team from purchasing Figma and will keep us with XD. It makes our designs look incredibly sloppy when working with data and graphs. Please update!

+1. please integrate this feature. Which will have great impact in prototyping beautiful animations.

I would so very much love this feature. Strong +1


It’s so frustrating that this is still an issue 😦

I need this desperately

People are migrating from XD to Figma - to end up here. What a bummer…

Yes. Greatly appreciated if added soon!


Adding to the clamor. Please implement this enhancement.

+1 waiting for update so much, this feature is absolute need!

+1 for this feature. Please.

+1 especially for making Lottie animations

I can’t believe this issue still persists!
