well it’s been a while since Adobe XD released auto animate for strokes, paths, and rotation. I’m a big fan of Figma and I adore its smoothness and super-efficient collaboration features over other UI software. As a senior UI designer, I have had so many UI design cases in which I needed to auto animate paths and strokes in order to deliver a smooth experience to my audience but unfortunately, Figma does not offer such a feature, Please, please, please consider adding this super useful feature in the latest interactive components beta version. Hope you guys at @figma have already started developing smart animate for strokes, paths, and rotation.
Fingers crossed. 🙂
I don’t think your suggestion is related to interactive components in any way, it’s about smart animate limitations. So I’m moving it to #product-ideas.
By the way, strokes and rotations already work fine in Smart Animate. Only path morphing animations aren’t possible. Example of rotations: Figma - Branding for Bookclub | I LOVE the Smart Animate feature. It's been so helpful to make clean and clear client presentatio...
That explains why I get funky shadow stuff happening with Smart Animate. They seem to lag behind the animation of the parent object.
Right now when creating an SVG shape, if trying to animate a vector point by changing its position, it will simply replace the shapes using a fade effect (as if they were 2 different images).
It would be amazing for the prototype to recognize the changes to the path and apply the animation, image a triangle transforming into a circle using smart animate. ❤️
Would be great if you could smart animate the sweep and ratio % on ellipses as a much simpler way to create spinners and pie graph animations, instead of the hacky mask method in the playground file. You can already animate all of the other properties so not sure why these would be an exception.
I like using interactive components and making cool animations inside components. So right now in Figma, as far as I know, if you want to convert a shape into another shape with smart animate, the result you get is one shape disappearing and the other reappearing at the same time (a weird dissolve effect). What I would like to see is the ability to tween shapes/graphics so its more of a morphing effect.
For example: I have a square, and I want it to be a circle. Currently what happens is the square begins to fade and the circle begins to appear at the same time, making the weird dissolve effect. This also makes both appear transparent for a brief moment, which is not desirable. What I’d like to happen is for the square to begin rounding and morph into a circle, keeping the transparency the same.
You could list it as another option like Smart Animate, and it could be Morph, or Tween, etc. Alternatively, it could be a tick box in the interaction menu when users select Smart Animate. I also think that extending this ability to graphics, and drawing tools as well will give users a whole new doorway to make some really cool interactions in Figma prototyping.
Love to hear anyone else’s thoughts on a tweening feature for Figma animations. Do you see this being useful?
Is there any plan by the Figma team to allow animating arcs with Smart Animate? With Interactive Components I see a huge potential for animating pending states (progress indicators etc). I already use it for spinners, content skeletons and other micro-interaction stuff but I think animating arcs with Smart Animate is the missing bit that people would love 🙂
As someone with decent background prototyping some pretty cool stuff in Xd, I was really shocked and disappointed today to find out that Figma doesn’t animate morphed paths at all. I thought it was a mistake at first and I had set up the prototype wrongly, only to do research and realize that Figma actually does not animate lines like Xd. Please guys, do consider adding this feature.
People can use @figmadesign to make video animations using screen capture, But you need to give some more features in animations
Or Give a Video export feature from prototype flow
Which can be a frame by frame animation by animation but with SMOOTH TWEENING feature
Totally agree. Seems like a no-brainer that would have been part of this feature given they already do it within the Figma interface! @Figma_Support what is the update on this???
Joining the voices here, some path smart animation in prototyping is one of the last steps to make Figma best UI/UX design software
I really enjoy doing quick ideation for interaction animations like hover states etc using Smart Animate. Figma still is limited though and I’d also like to use what @Mr.Biscuit pointed out in that thread.
totally agree, supporting path morphing would be a great update to figma
Want to add +1 to this one.
It is so close to being a situation where I’d do all my presentations etc in Figma, enabling free form morphing between shapes & paths would really unlock a lot of creative possibilities
Please consider prioritizing this!
Adding to this, really need it!
Also waiting for the support of path morphing - guess that’s where I turn my back on other tools completly - thank you for supporting us on this!
Morphing (eg square to rectangle) still missing 😦
Not in “any way”? Really?
Well, Gleb, it’s related to interactive components insomuch as one might use the animation effects between variations in an interactive component. Much the same way one might put the hover state of a button into an interactive component.
Trying to do this is exactly why I found this thread. We’re making a circular processing animation that animates on delay (1ms, because Figma will also not allow “immediate”).
The initial design would show a circle arc growing from 5% ratio to 100% in 25% increments. At completion, it would shrink from the back end back to 5% and then repeat.
Example Here
Once the animation frames were created, we grouped them together as component variations and then assigned the On Delay event to each one in succession so that simply instantiating the component in Prototype would engage the animation.
That’s how this relates to interactive components.
Unfortunately, because ratio, start point, and sweep are not included in the properties that can “smart animate”, the effect is impossible to achieve.
My comment was simply about the topic being in the wrong category. I could’ve worded it better though.
Check out this file I made: Prototyping Tips & Hacks | Figma Community, it contains some of those animations done with masks.
This is not vector animation. It’s an object property on an object. In this case – the ellipse object. All other properties of the object in the property panel animate. It should animate when the names of the objects match, Just like all other properties.
I’d consider this a bug in smart animate.
Exact same experience for me this week, and today is the 28th of January 2023.
Just switched from XD to Figma, and this is the only feature that I am deeply missing. Haven’t decided yet if I’m going to move my whole team over to the product yet - would love an update to know the intention here. (4/10/23)
Any update on this @Figma_Support ?
Right now it’s the only thing that is preventing me and my team from transitioning to Figma from XD. I’m using path transitioning/morphing in my prototypes pretty often and lack of it is an absolute blocker.