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  1. I want to make a prototype where something changes when user scrolls content.

  2. I want to keyboard collapse when user starts scrolling content, but it’s impossible to do with drag action. Or it feels unnatural

  3. Or am I missing a way to do it with existing tools?

+1 please!

Still waiting for it… Trigger event for Mouse wheel Up/ Mouse wheel Down

+1. We need it 100%. Even just to change the color of header while scrolling.

There is a deficiency in Figma’s prototyping capabilities here. Can this please be considered? By the time it is implemented (if ever), it will be too late for my prototype, but I like to think of a future with this trigger in it.

How is it possible that Figma don’t have this?

we really need it please!

with scroll up / scroll down, scroll position, applicable at pages, components for changing status etc.

+1 really need this!

We need this!

I’m also desperate for this.

In addition to the “On scroll” trigger, I need to know when the user has scrolled all the way to the top or bottom so I can show/hide “Jump to top” and “Jump to bottom” buttons.

A general “scroll position” property with “top”, “bottom” or “pixel offset” would be perfect. My use case is vertical scrolling, but I’m sure “left” and “right” properties would also be useful for folks who need this horizontal scrolling.

please add this feature to prototyping functions. we need this so bad

pls implement this. i need it to survive.

Need this big time!

+1 This would be a real asset for prototyping

Come on Figma. We know you got a bag from “the company that shall not be named” when the merger blew up. Make it rain on the people by building this feature.

+1 please. Interesting that years later this is still not a feature. Fingers crossed for 2024!

It’s a must and can we all agree that the below topic is needed as well

Also would like this. It’s a must. Much more needed than drag.

I came here specifically to find this thread (because I knew it had to exist) and vote on it.

I really wish I could prototype a “partially persistent header” and the way the Safari UI reacts to scrolling so it would be easier to get the intention across to developers 🥲

Yes we need this!!

Yes, please, an “On Scroll” trigger, please! Also connected to a configurable scroll-position, so the event would only be fired when that position is reached. Or an event that fires when a frame’s or object’s x or y position is above or below a certain number. Might be hard to calculate though…

Every vote helps for this dying feature request - also related to prototyping!

Really important for correct usability tests on desktop: Scrollbars in presentation view for scrollable elements. (changeable if they are permanently visible or just when the cursor enters the respective area) is a must when testing for desktop. There is no chance or workaround since no plugins work in this view.

Your vote and/or comment would help a lot: Display scroll bar in prototype preview mode

+1 seems pretty essential to have this as a feature for a lot of projects, I’m stuck doing a messy workaround for it at the moment 😕

+1 from me as well, trying to work on something now, and would love this

Pathetic, It’s been like a couple years since this was requested. I also want to be able to do expressions based on the scroll offset. You know, peg the Boolean visibility of the shadow under which my object scrolls to when the offset <> 0…

Yes we need this please!
