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Multiple Flows Should Have Different Device Frames

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  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022

+1 for this. I encounter this in every project I make. It really should be a no-brainer. Please add this soon!


You can set the prototype device to none and the design will automatically zoom, but there should be a way to set different prototypes for each frame


I have been using this workaround but it doesn’t allow for proper viewport height on mobile- so we end up looking at a very long screen 😦


100% this needs to be a feature


This feature would be so helpful, please make this happen Figma Team


According to this request - we have another one:
Prototype Device for each Flow (not only per Page).
We obviously need to set a preview-device for each of the flows, too.
E.g. view prototype of mobile-screens in smartphone device and Desktop-Screens without device or with desktop device.


We just need this Feature pretty hard now.

  • 5 replies
  • February 25, 2022

I hope to having device setting for each flow but this workaround would work.


    1. Set prototype device as “Presentation (Fill)”.
    1. Run prototype in Chrome browser. (not in desktop application)


    1. Select “Fit width” from the Options and hide side bar.
    1. Open Chrome device emulator. (Command + Option + I)
    1. Select dimension from the top bar. (You may need custom sizes)

It also allows you to open multiple flows at same time if you open the same file in different tab.

  • 8 replies
  • March 11, 2022

Bumping this thread, this comes up weekly for my team when trying to set up prototypes for large, complicated projects.


Even better, use “None” instead of “Custom size”. The proper solution would be to have different devices for each flow, but in the meanwhile this is the best approach 👍


Would love if this functionality existed. Ran into an issue of wanting to have different devices for different Prototype flows.


I am trying to transition from Adobe Xd and I am really surprised you can’t set individual devices for different flows. Seems like a huge oversight.

  • 0 replies
  • March 30, 2022

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PLEASE can we get this feature haha! 😭


Just dropping a reply so that this topic doesn’t get archived.
This feature is very much needed.

I usually create one file per feature/platform area and inside each file I use the pages to tackle specific functionalities or flows within that bigger feature or entire area. This means that it’s not useful at all to have to create one page per device to be able to share the preview with the stakeholders.

Without this feature, this is my organisation inside a Figma project:

Prototypes [Project]
┗ User profile [File]
┄┗ Settings - Desktop [Page]
┄┄┗ Flow
┄┗ Settings - Tablet [Page]
┄┄┗ Flow
┄┗ Settings - Mobile [Page]
┄┄┗ Flow
┄┗ Upload picture - Desktop [Page]
┄┄┗ Flow
┄┗ Upload picture - Tablet [Page]
┄┄┗ Flow
┄┗ Upload picture - Mobile [Page]
┄┄┗ Flow

Why is that? Check this screen recording: Screen Recording 2022-04-26 at - Google Drive

With this feature, I could save so many pages! Like this:
Prototypes [Project]
┗ User profile [File]
┄┗ Settings [Page]
┄┄┗ Desktop Flow — with a desktop device selected
┄┄┗ Tablet Flow — with a tablet device selected
┄┄┗ Mobile Flow — with a mobile device selected
┄┗ Upload picture [Page]
┄┄┗ Desktop Flow
┄┄┗ Tablet Flow
┄┄┗ Mobile Flow

Hope this makes sense, it’s not easy to explain in writing.

  • 4 replies
  • April 29, 2022

+1 We need this feature!

  • New Participant
  • 5 replies
  • May 2, 2022

Needed! I don’t understand how FIgma could add multiple flows per page yet not give the ability to have multiple viewport sizes? You can’t assume that designs using a page per viewport size?

It’s more efficient to have them on a single page to compare a viewport against the other viewport sizes. Without it, we’d have to design in one sandbox file and then push the designs out to separate pages each time just to separate the flows.


+1! Super crucial for presenting and ease of switching devices.


Device frame per flow is a must have.


Same need here!


I made the switch from XD to Figma, because Figma has moved ahead of XD on most of the features, but this one XD does a lot better.

There you can set a ‘viewport height’ per screen you make. So then the preview mode inherits this together with the width of the screen, to portray your screen. And then you can switch between desktop/mobile just by selecting that screen and previewing it.

  • New Participant
  • 31 replies
  • May 25, 2022

Really need this feature, I can’t keep sending different links to a client for every device size – they need to be able to click between the devices easily. When I use presentation as the device size, viewing the mobile screen means it’s cut off at the top and you can’t scroll realistically through the viewport. I think I am going to have to put them on separate prototype links but it is certainly making me feel like exporting them to Invision instead – which I don’t want to do!


@Figma_Support Legit! We need this!


+1 needed!! Very surprised that there’s still no way to do this!


As a webdesigner i design for different screen sizes, and I like to keep everything on the same page. To prototype different sizes i need to copy them to separate pages - which halts my workflow.


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