Any updates on this very important matter? @anon21722796
You would have some very happy customers if you focused on this one…
I always have problems with that, like I have one that i called handoff devs but people just make comments on non relevant pages…
Hid pages for users would be amazing
Agree with everything already stated by others. We’d like to consolidate our tools and use Figma for client presentations and reviews… however the challenges everyone has already listed, requires us to keep using Invision for these purposes.
Same opinion as the others. Would love to have one page shared with the final client/stakeholder where they can see and comment on the project while having other pages hidden from them while we work on the project internally.
@anon21722796 Googled this and was surprised it’s either all or nothing, can this be included soon? It’s pretty important that client’s don’t see how all the sausage is made in a shared document; show just what we want them to see.
I have to copy the page to a separate project just so I can share which is a bit crazy but seems the only way at present! This is a really big issue that is keeping us from leaving Zeplin. 😣
The use case is when I share the design with people not in the team/project or with view-only permission; I wish to control their access for only some specific pages, not allow them to view all pages in a file.
Additionally, I don’t want them to see all comments for all pages, they should only see the filtered comments on those pages which they can access.
Some features:
- Organize (filter out) comments for pages
- Advanced share settings for pages
I wholeheartedly agree with the suggestion. Every time there is a need to share a specific flow with a stakeholder I need to create a whole new file. This results in problems with project organization since so many files have to be generated. This fix would greatly improve the experience!
I would also like the locked pages or limited access to ensure that some stuff doesn’t get moved around
I don’t want the client to see the whole project including WIPs.
When sharing a design file can I get the ability to customise access for clients? For example; Client 1 can view only access page 1. Designers can see all pages.
Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?
Hello there,
It’d be just amazing if Figma had the ability to hide specific pages from document viewers.
Say I have a few pages that aren’t important for viewers so I need to make them invisible.
@Gleb what do you think?
Would love to have this feature! At first I had to keep adding/removing my client from the file - annoying for both parties as you can imagine. Now I copy pages I want to share into a new file, still annoying so would really appreciate this thank you!
Please @anon21722796 take a look at this one! It’s a real pain everyday when sharing the file for clients to give feedback on. We don’t want them to see our inspiration/references page for example!
Would love to see this feature. When working with large project files and big teams it would be really helpful to be able to keep WIP work at the same access level as that which has been signed off.
Agree that this would be a great feature. Would appreciate separation of page permissions so that you can separate wireframes that are ready for client review & hide other pages of ideation & WIP (that you don’t want the client to yet see)
I am trying to recreate what I could do in Sketch/InVision. Where I would submit screens to InVision, from there I could select a group of pages for a particular request and get a link where the viewer would only be able to view those selected pages, and not have to see all the others.
In Figma, let’s say I have 30 frames on a single page, I have a design solution that is shown on just 5 of those frames. I would like a way to select those 5 frames and share a link where the viewer (PO or Dev) only sees those 5 frames and not the other 25.
The only solution I have come across is by making those 5 frames at the top of the hierarchy so when sharing prototype view its the first screens seen. BUT that doesn’t have the inspect features when I do that.
Yes, this would be so helpful!
This is absolutely necessary, I had to pay inVision for my last project just because Figma lacks this feature. I shared with the client the prototype and no one in that team could figure out how to add comments and all of them navigated to other pages that weren’t part of that specific design discussion, it was a mess.
The company I’m working for is using Sketch and Invision to share documents, they showed me in Sketch their file with all the workings, inspiration screenshots and the final artboard where the design is coming together.
They then upload this to Invision to show the clients for approval, apparently if the artboard/frame name includes a dash - at the beginning, Invision ignores this and just previews the rest. They have all their workings and inspiration boards named with a dash at the beginning so they aren’t seen by clients.
Figma needs something like this, the share button is so quick and easy with Figma but you don’t want clients seeing unnecessary items. I know this can be done by hiding every element that isn’t to be shared, but this takes a lot of time to hide them all.
The visual that @Ivan_Cucer showcased above is great!
This is a real pain point and frustration for me using Figma from years in Sketch and Invision. Having clean, organised files to share with clients without unnecessary working unfinished pages is essential. I am really struggling to work out a process. Clients don’t have the time to understand or learn how to use Figma. They need a simplified view - a curated view. I am tempted to have to export all my visual work individually to Invision, but that is a long-winded process unlike in Sketch where you have a plugin to export directly to Invision. Is there any way around this apart from creating multiple files of ‘finished’ work to share with clients?
Clients don’t have the time to understand or learn how to use Figma. They need a simplified view - a curated view.
Well said @Karen_Beal
I agree with all the comments here. My team is considering switching from Sketch to Figma, but the lack of this feature might be a deal breaker. Especially with respect to agile dev process, I need to be able to link to a specific artboard to communicate design solutions to clients. My guess is that they would be overwhelmed by the Figma interface. Also, I would have to spend more time documenting my Figma file to make sure that clients can find things.
I also agree with what has been said here.
I’m still using the InVision website for screendesign presentation and exchanging feedback comments with clients.
It’s easy to use but very time consuming to set up and update all the InVision projects.
And from what I remember InVision as of now doesn’t really offer more features than what I’ve used back in 2014. So honestly, I’m not thinking InVision will stay there for much longer to be a suitable workaround. However I really like the ability to have some control over what people can or cannot see. That’s what Figma is lacking right now.
At the current state I don’t want to send out Figma links to clients because of unnecessary obstacles for them. Also I want to keep work in progress and myself working on stuff hidden from their eyes.
Imagine having a client sitting behind you randomly throughout the day and he just stares at your screen while you’re working. That’s terrifying, isn’t it?
@anon21722796 When can we expect this?