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With the new update, we have a great new feature, but unfortunately, it’s not usable with our component structure.

Exposing all props of a nested instance also exposes props that we don’t want in the context of the consuming component.

What if we could also select which properties to expose? This would lead to a cleaner sidebar with only valid props.

+1 Needed over here too

+1 Really need this

I also need this feature. My customer designers get overwhelmed by all of the options some of my larger components have.

I also have trouble where large components that are composed of smaller ones will have identical properties at multiple levels. All parts of complex components all need to be set to the same platform (“Mobile”), for example. It is necessary for me to hide those platform options at the lower levels, even if I need other properties exposed at those levels.

It is too easy for one of those to get out of synch at the wrong level, which screws up the component.

Please oh please!

We also need this functionality in our designsystem. One example is our Icons where user chooses Icon by typing its name so the name property needs to be exposed, but the other properties (size, strong, active) is not allowed to set.

Another feature that would solve this is the option to pass down property values from the top component to nested components. In that case we’d simply have an Icon name property on the top component that is passed down to the Icon component (very similar to how it would be coded in React for instance).

Would love this feature as well! I’m wanting to expose a nested property without showing all of the other properties within the sub component.

+1 Need this feature, it’s so crucial and is a blocker in our case.

Very very needed for our DS. Please!

+1 - This would be kind of game changing to make DS users happy and avoid inconsistencies; i.e. if if they are not supposed to change a property there is no reason to show it!

Please for this 🙏 would clean up alot of our nested architecture component structure in our DS

+1 on this! PLEEEEEASE

Big +1, the nested Checkbox idea from OP is nice.

+1 and +6 from my entire team

+1 too!

In the meantime, this might be a little trick to tell users not to change the values in the final component: Just add an ⛔ or similar emoji in the name of the component. (Of course this should be then communicated.)

Are there any updates yet? I neeeeeeeed this feature 😃

+1 - This is really mandatory for quality of the property-feature. @Figma_Moderation Please push to PO, so it can be included it into next feature level.

We often don’t nest components, just because this is not possible and it’s so easy to f*ck up in property selection.

@Josh If I understood correctly, the Issue described by OP is the same as in this topic.

Basicially It comes to “As a DS Creator I want to select the nested properties which show on a component. So that my DS Users will not be able to make mistakes in using the component.”

imho, you can merge these.

I’m working on a dropdown, and the expanded state is a bit overwhelming because for the nested List items it shows both the state variants and the text properties

Ideally, I’d be able to hide the nested item state variants from being exposed, because users of the system don’t need to interact with them in this case. It’s only used to change color on hover, and I should be able to make that happen secretly without users knowing how the interaction is set up.

+1 and +10000 for all the people who have not encountered the problem yet but one day will

This would help our DS tremendously!

+1, we need this!

We need this. Please.

make it work like components… put a . in front of the name, so it’s gets hidden in all components where it gets used.

or make it so, that I can choose which elements from the nested components, will be visible. And not just 1 checkbox, for all.

I don’t understand why this isn’t basic functionality of Figma. And wondering this with many other functionalities (like, linking to other pages from a prototype. Can already notice im looking at other software tools, because Figma is getting slow with updates, and with communications about new features that we, the community want.

+1, this is a must have!

Happy Sketch users are laughing at us because they’ve been using this feature for 3 or 4 YEARS while we are just dreaming about it here… Well, let’s keep doing what we’re doing and maybe next Christmas Santa will bring the long-awaited " present". Or not…
