Another option could be a menu on the line of the name of the component
In your example that would be “🔶 IconRight 🎚️🎚️” with a flyout menu to turn visibility of component properties on/off
Please help with this functionality, I remember that when I was working with Sketch they have it and it helped the designers a lot and to maintain consistency in the DS and in the designs and that was about 3 years ago aprox.
+1 this is really needed also for us, exposing all the properties for some complex component is not useful, but being able to select which one to expose would solve our isse!
Here is a Select input component I am working on. The label is a separated component with different states and content property for the text.
I want the parent component to show the “label content” whereas I don’t want user to be able to change the state of the label.
I think we can have a convention where the “_” or “.” in front of the property can make it “local” to the component and not propagate up to the parent components.
Might need a little more context on how you have everything structured but you should be able to specify which nested component props show up on the parent component.
I want to show specific properties from an instance, with this I can only show ALL properties from an instance, or none.
+1 No need to explain why we need this. Great idea.
Hi @Dennis_N ,
Thank you for flagging this! I merged with this topic. 🙂
I would also love this feature, it would simplify components and really improve efficiency for our Design System users.
Pleeeeease! This would solve so many headaches I’m currently struggling with as I nest components
Please please, this would be such a game changer for more complex components with subcomponents and nested properties.
Come here for the same issue. At the moment this lack prevents us to use the feature at all in our design system. We don’t want consumers to override all the properties (introducing confusion and inconsistencies) of predefined components coming from the shared library.
PS: Don’t forget to vote the thread
Hey @Equinusocio ,
Thank you for noticing it! I merged this topic with the other thread, so we can have all the feedbacks and votes in the same place. 🙂
This feature is really a must-have! I try to workaround by adding Stop-Emojis in the property name, so that users of the design system won’t change the nested property. Much better it would be, if we could hide unwanted properties in the parent component.
+1 must have for atom > molecule > organism based component nesting
+1 - such a mess without this
The need for this is such a no brainer.
So many upvotes and comments and still not a hint of solving this 😦
It’s a must-have! We use slots and master components a lot and this heavily affects usage of our components.