Migrating from Sketch/Craft to Figma now. Was totally expecting this to be a feature already, as it’s part of my current production style. I really hope it comes to Figma soon.
Ugh, how is this not a thing yet?
We’re forced to have 1 Figma page for ALL Shopify pages as viewed on Mobile, and another Figma page for Desktop.
But we would like to design with Responsive Design in mind, for mobile first:
- one page for the main page
- another page for collection page
- another page for the product page
- etc…
Surprised this still isn’t a feature in Figma yet.
If pages could be collected into folders and those pages could have the same setting, that could solve this issue.
Gosh this has more comments and related links than any other ticket I’ve seen. Please Figma can you do this?
Running into this issue on a project as well…would love to see this implemented.
This is a critical feature for us – and I imagine for anyone making a prototype that’s more complicated than a weather app. e.g. I have a page for onboarding, and then want to show where it finally hands-off too… without duping a whole bunch of screens.
+1 for this feature. Coming from an agency where we create large applications and websites, it is impossible for us to use the prototyping in Figma without creating a completely unorganized file.
I agree that having the ability to link to other pages directly within the Figma prototype dialog box would be helpful but the ability to “add links to text” to link from artboard to artboard (or frame to frame) or to external websites does exist in Figma, as described in this article:
Add Links To Text
OK, so it’s only TEXT that can have links added (not an object such as a button) but that text can be contained in a button, dropdown or whatever. Figma does add an underline to the text (can be overridden though).
I have used this workaround with a lot of success, what is your experience of LINKS in FIGMA?
I was very surprised as well that this was not a feature. After finding this out I thought I would copy and paste everything onto one Page BUT the interactions drop out. Too late to rebuild the file for user testing. Frustrating.
2 Requests:
- Ability to have Interaction between Frames on different Pages.
- Ability to have Interactions stay in place when coping to a different Page.
I don’t see any official response here… is this underway yet? Do we have a release date or version?
CHECKING IN @anon21722796
The folks I work with are still grappling with this problem.
Thanks for the consideration.
This is fucking ridiculous. I literally told my team the benefits of going to Figma from Sketch and I find out I can’t even link to a screen to a different page on the same file.
This is such a huge oversight from your product team.
This feature is utmost important for all Figma user, this one feature is where figma lags behind. Figma team do consider this and resolve the issue asap. Linking to different page is very important when you are working on huge websites and categories.
Definitely a must for prototyping. Even just adding an “open in the same tab” checkbox at the bottom of interaction details would do; at least until a better cross-page prototyping capability is implemented.

This is an enormous gap. I recently purchased Figma for my team. If I had known about this issue, I would have had reservations about Figma. Being unable to link pages is a ton of extra work. And the only quasi-workaround seems to be to put each screen on a separate page with each link opening a new tab; creating a ridiculous prototype experience. Please prioritize this as an urgent issue and at minimum give us a workaround where links don’t have to open new tabs…
Can’t believe this is still not possible. Figma is a very immature prototyping tool without this, limited to just creating a few flows and animations, not truly prototyping the information architecture of a large site or app. It is not workable to have 50 screens on one page, not moving the company to Figma until this is possible. Just so bizarre.
I agree with the other commenters. Our team is looking at switching from Sketch to Figma, and this would make it very challenging for us to prototype larger apps and websites. From a UI perspective, this could be elegantly solved by sub dividing the ‘Navigate To’ dropdown by page. This dropdown could also benefit from search.
I agree too.
This would make working and organizing projects a lot easier.
I’ve read a few comments on this thread. Definitely great arguments for this to be implemented. We’re working on a massive web app (up to ten pages per document and 20-30 or even more layouts per page).
Like many in here, we’re also looking to switch our entire design workflow from Sketch to Figma, and we’re currently testing to see which feature might stop us from doing that. So far this is definitely one of them.
Looking forward to this feature, Figma! Thanks! 🙂
I was really surprised that among so many advanced feature such a basic and necessary feature is missing 😦 This is really needed to keep projects organized.
Now with connected component libraries, Figma should consider also navigating in prototypes not only across pages but across files within a project as well.
If I create my components in a separate file - component library (for example menus), in main project file I have to create prototype links for each menu item in each screen separately! Not mentioning when you need to change something you have to change a hundred links…
Figma please, stay on top of this.
This feature is sorely needed. Managing everything in one file is very cumbersome for most projects. Is there any hint on whether this is being looked at by the Figma team?
Honestly outrageous this isn’t available. My files are massive, putting all the screens on one page gets very crowded. Using prototypes for user testing is essential to our business.
My team and I just spent hours today trying to resolve this need, realizing that it indeed is a gap for Figma and not ignorance on our part.
I’m surprised a Figma representative has not replied to this forum? Any updates?
Feature is really needed.
Can we get an official comment on this feature request please?
I was wondering why my prototype, links to other file, unless I came across this issue enlisted here. Can someone from “FIGMA” team really help or provide any alternate to this problem.
I can’t keep sending new prototype link within “TEAM” when I remove any flow from a file.
Any feedback or suggestion will be a great help.