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Hi guys, how are you?

I believe be having the same problem as this topic, so I’m complementing for you.

My teammate showed this, I think, to be a Figma bug. Because I tested the same project here on my computer and everything is normal. Was it really a bug?

Or maybe using the styleguide?

As you can see the font changes weight when you click to edit, but no need the change.

Can you help me, please?

this has happened to my clients shared files too. All Arial fonts have been swapped out to either Inter or Roboto, or even sometimes a third font.

The change appears to happen on click.

Very frustrating.

I sent a detailled and massive report of the bug to the Figma support team and it seem to be quite a massive one that they still have to figure out.

The problem is not related to local fonts but any TTF fonts (which local fonts are). Converting an OTF to the TTF format does not work as well.

thanks so much @Catherine ! appreciate that, and for letting us know. Glad to hear they’re aware.