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I had started building my portfolio a year ago in my Figma account. Yesterday, I found out that the file is missing forever and not even in the “deleted” tab. I tried searching all over but no luck. How come a file is missing even though I never tend to delete it or mistakenly in case it should be in the “Delete” tab. Strange is “File not found” shown every time. My hard work is almost gone now. I’m wondering if this a technical issue in Figma or something I’m not aware of? Is there a way I can get it back?

Please help!



I have the same problem, just the day before yesterday, is there a solution?

I have the same problem, I have spent so much time on an user research file.

Hi Amber,

I realised that the file was in a team, so when I deleted the team, the file got deleted too. I contacted Figma support, and they helped me get my files back. I recommend reaching out to their support team quickly if you face a similar issue to prevent losing your files permanently. They were really helpful!

How did you contact Figma Support? I have a free account and they didn’t give me that option 😦 there is any chance to recover them?

Hey @Luciana_Papazianl, sorry for the trouble!

It looks like Celine is already helping you out over here:

We’ll continue to help you over on that topic, since this one is older, and do our best to get you connected with support as soon as possible!