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If you have an interactive component with build-in while-hovering event, the click event on the instance of that component will not work.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a component with two variants (A and B)

  2. Add a ‘while hovering’ event on variant A to variant B

  3. Add a component instance of variant A to a new frame

  4. Add a click event on the component instance (e.g. go to a new frame)

  5. Play the prototype and observe that the click event is ignored

I suspect that this is because part of the click event (mouse down) is fired on instance A, while the second part of the event is fired on instance B (mouse up)?

Hey How are you?

friend, I have the same issue, did you fixed it?

Having the same issue.

It still isn’t fixed for click actions per se, but see here for a work-around until it does get fixed.

Having the same problem and they haven’t fixed it.

a text in my main menu has a hover interactive component and then I used mouse enter interaction to open the sub-menu overlay for it. works fine but when I add On Click interaction, it’s not working at all. it’s like the sub-menu is blocking the On Click interaction.

While there’s no update yet, use this method. Separate the interaction of hover and click with sub menu open overlay. So when open overlay, I put it on top of the button for me to click it. This is the best method I made for myself. Hope it works for yall.
