So I recently started using the professional plan on Figma at my company and ran into problems with FigJam.
I don’t understand why one can’t use FigJam even the free version because I’m on a professional plan with Figma? During payment I didn’t tick FigJam.
I thought since I didn’t pay for the pro version for FigJam that I wouldn’t have access to the pro features but still be able to use FigJam starter version even if its one file or something cause I hardly use FigJam much.
Please put a disclaimer or notification that tells the user that he will be charged cause the FigJam available now has pro features along the professional plan…if he didn’t actually pay for FigJam during payment. It’s not clear especially for new pro users dipping their toes. If not this could be considered a deceptive pattern!
And I don’t see the reason why we can’t be able to still have the FigJam starter package even. cause I have to maybe use my personal account for FigJam if I ever want to or go to some other whiteboarding tool.
Also do same with the disclaimer when one is about to give edit access to someone else Cause one would expect that the file should be able to do that without incurring more charges on the pro plan… not clear otherwise.
Now I have to go explain to my company why they would be charged again this month when I have already gotten Figma annual sub