How can I create interactions within a frame?

I’m having trouble getting an interaction to work with sub-elements within a frame. For example, I’d like to be able to have different differ tool tips pop up when hovering over different sections of this visualization, but it seem to be limited to just triggering when mousing over the parent frame.

I think this one’s tricky, not for making different overlays pop up for different sections, but the fact that you’re dealing with partial donuts. Figma only account for mouse events with rectangular shapes, so you’ll get overlays when you don’t want to.
But first of all, your interactions seem a bit off. Hover has mouse enter and mouse leave baked in, no need to close overlay on mouse leave because hover already does that.
I bet that you haven’t flattened your donuts. Like I said above, Figma only account for mouse events with rectangular shapes, and donuts created with the ellipse tool are rectangular for the full circle, even if only a small percentage is filling the space. Therefore only your topmost donut triggers an overlay.

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