Figma APP with webgl error even with browser configured

Your enabled browser flags do not affect the Figma desktop app in any way. That is, if you enable them in Chrome, then they will work in Chrome, and not in any other apps.

Also, your topic is not related to the Plugin/Widget API, so please submit a bug report to support.

If you want to try to solve this issue yourself, you can try running the Figma application with the following flags:

  • --ignore-gpu-blocklist
  • --enable-webgl-draft-extensions
  • --use-angle=gl (or --use-angle=d3d11 or --use-angle=metal (depending on OS))

You can also combine flags. For example:

"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Figma\Figma.exe" --ignore-gpu-blocklist --enable-webgl-draft-extensions --use-angle=gl