Exporting as PDF - huge size

Hey @Anna_Dabek ! If you are having size issues, you might want to check if you have any big images that might be affecting the total size of the PDF. If this is the case, you might want to download the images on a smaller size (You can do this in Photoshop) or compress the images individually. You can compress images using a Figma plugin called “Downsize”. You can check it out here: https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/869495400795251845/Downsize

If you don’t have any images affecting the file, you might want to try other online compression tools. I recommend using this one: Compress PDF - Reduce File Size Of PDF Online

" Online tools only do so much, key issues with the large file size are due to

  • text converted to vectors rather than simply embedding the font - online optimisation tools or plugins such as TinyImage won’t fix this
  • Images should be optimised to a required dpi level (ie. 225, 300 etc)"

You can get more ideas from this community post:

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