Comments hidden by default (as it used to be)

The comment bubbles get in the way and should only show when I need them to show. They should be hidden when I’m not in comment mode.

Since we have a new comments design (avatar) it covers designs much more and is very distracting. I have to keep moving comments away to see which part of the design was meant. This even more when more people reply to the comment

Does anyone else feel like this?


I like the comments being visible all the time. (Shift + C) hides them for me. I can see the frustration with them always being visible, but it was more frustrating trying to look at comments with the previous system than it is to hide them now.

Thanks! I didn’t know about that. Shift + C

(Shift + C) will hide them.

Please make comments only visible by default when there are new unread comments.

I can understand why Figma chose to change the behavior but it is indeed an unnecessary action to hide the comments every single time the user opens a file.

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Same here. It is very annoying. Hoping for preference to hide them by default.

I find it odd that the comments pane on the right is only visible when the comment tool is active. Perhaps it could be a fourth option next to Design/Prototype/Inspect/Comments and not be tied to the tool being active.

That said, I have not thought through all the permutations of the UX of that, but it feels like an odd UX to me to have to see them by activating a tool.

(I added this comment originally by an accidental duplicate account by mistake)

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