Add Dev Mode To Professional Subscription separately from design seat

I am outraged. How do you imagine I allow all my devs to be full-seats and give them the ability to edit designs? How about design ownership? In a day all devs lost their inspect tool, and the only way to get it back is to move to Org Plan or give them a full seat risking to get full chaos in design ownership. Any suggestions on how your teams ar planning to overcome this?


Same question


@Jenia Your frustration is felt, and heard. I’m noticing that this rollout has been especially confusing. Before you make any changes, Tom, on our advocacy team made this video to help explain how you get at code and properties that you’d normally see in the inspect panel, which is now called “Properties” —

Video on Twitter:

Video on LinkedIn:

I hope this clears up some of the confusion. We’re bringing all of this feedback to the team and hoping we can make some actionable changes to make this clearer. Please reach out and let me know if you have any other questions.


@Rogie_King This is a massive downgrade to functionality we had BEFORE dev mode was ever introduced.

When Figma announced Dev mode, the spirit of the conversation was that we would continue to have these features that were always available once Dev mode came out of Beta. This is a huge rug pull.


David, totally understood this nature of the “downgraded” experience — in your opinion, what are the changes to the experience that feel most negatively impactful?

At least going back to 2020, we had the ability to quickly reference properties directly in Figma. With minimal effort we could visualize, copy, and paste exactly the things we needed.

The recommended approach now is to copy from a context menu that copies code for all child objects of a selection, paste it somewhere else, and then manually find the things we need from a huge paste.

This is way more time intensive than it used to be. I just tried it on a really simple selection and it copied over 700 lines to my clipboard, but I don’t get to see what’s being copied until I paste it somewhere else.

We used to have such an easy way to grab props, and content by toggling between a “<>” code and content view right in inspect.

Please bring this back.


Thanks for sharing this. I was feeling a little gaslighted when people said only the code part was changed because I was sure there were more details than the code part comparing the old “Inspect” to the new “Properties” tab. For non-designers it’s much easier to understand the frame sizing with the image instead of description as well.


Howdy @Tom_Lowry @Rogie_King ! Curious if there’s any further response on this. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hey Joseph, no word yet, just busy taking all of your feedback and bringing it to the team. Thanks for your patience!

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David, appreciate you sharing specifics with me on what is making this a downgraded experience. Super helpful to bring feedback to the team. Working on that now! Let me know if there’s any other things you have feedback on.

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With that and the box model view I think there would be less complaints :pray:

Appreciate the work you all are doing to support the Figma community. Regardless of what decisions come on this, grateful for your role in giving Figma users a voice and seat at the table. :slight_smile: Best!


Appreciate your responses! Looking deeper into it, I see that we have more options now. At the beginning that felt painful.

Hello there. Any progress in the topic of copying just the specific css data?