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Can we get a true aspect ratio lock when the ‘Constrain Proportions’ is on?WX20210123-114719@2x A true aspect ratio lock means two things:

  1. When dragging on a node with ‘constrain proportions’, its width and height always stay in their original ratio no matter which direction you drag it.

  2. When resizing on the parent of a node with ‘constrain proportions’ that happens to be constrainedWX20210123-112532@2x, the node takes on the smallest of its supposed width and height, and calculates its ratio accordingly.

This would be so very helpful to polygon shapes that want to stay in that shape. Consider a spider chart. When you resize its parent, you don’t want the ‘spider net’ to squish squash; neither will you want a doughnut to turn into an oval.

*Resizing of the node’s parent layer is inevitable if you need responsive designs.

It would also be nice to respect ratios have have options to size 16:9, 1:1 etc

+1!!! I need this feature!

Agreed - this is so annoying. I have an icon that I want to scale with the parent frame. The parent frame could be any size or aspect ratio depending on context, hence the icon is getting stretched or squashed despite me enabling “constrain proportions” in the component.

If “constrain proportions” is only for a specific limited application, then why isn’t this referenced in the Figma UI itself? Like, the tooltip doesn’t give you any clue other than the name of the feature…

Yes, please. Tired of using a work around for this.

Shocked this still doesn’t exist. Surely it’s not that hard to implement?

In what world does a designer want an image stretched outside of its aspect ratio as a default?

@figma can we get an update? Is this on anyones radar?

I’m not sure about the reason for not implementing this. but what is the current accepted workaround for this?

thanks for anyone replying to this 👍

Please sir, can I have some aspect ratio ❤️

The fact that Sketch has been able to do this forever, and now we have min/max heights, it’s laughable that Figma can’t do this. Give us proper scaling, and aspect ratios.

Check this file to see how it works:

This is a separate issue from size constraints. It sounds like you’re talking about frame constraints. If you’re not seeing the frame constraints as an option, you probably have auto layout applied to the frame. It’s not possible to use both auto layout and contstraints.

Yes, of course we all know this component set / hack / trick. But why in the first place does it have to be so complicated? Why do we have to use a special component – that sometimes introduces other problems btw and increases complexity – to get such a simple feature.

Also I can’t understand why so few people care about this… Wouldn’t this be a benefit for all of us? Place an image in an Auto-Layout container, set the width or height to “fill” and lock the aspect ratio. Would be awesome. (sigh)

Please Figma developers make this happen. We already have all the UI controls, they just need to be wired… Ooooor, please explain to us, why it isn’t so easy as I think. 😎

Other than that I like Figma a lot and use it professionally every day.

Posting again here, while this topic celebrates its third birthday (sob).

When we will see this feature being released (because it will happen sooner or later), don’t forget to add a rounding decimal feature based on the original image aspect ratio calculations. Because don’t we all love pixel perfect layouts ?

Just calling out that for swapping images in cards that are meant to work in fluid layouts, it’s shocking that in 2024 this is still a gap.

I don’t want to force a fixed height that then changes the aspect ratio or have to end up with a letterbox effect.

works not in Auto Layout. And Auto Layout is essential these days.

+1 Vote for this feature!

Please Figma, we need this feature 😪

Really really need this!

I want to be able to create truly responsive Card Components with images that have a fixed aspect ratio that stays intact when resizing the Card. Especially when you use min and max-width for the Card and want to show a Dev the behaviour.

Great idea!

Setting an aspect-ratio like 16:9 would enable to use Fill combined with “Auto” for example to set either width or height automatically so it matches the fixed aspect ratio. Also a checkbox like “round to full pixels” would be nice so we don’t end up having unwanted decimals.

This would be a really useful counterpart to CSS aspect-ratio and Auto Layout would massively benefit from that.

works not in Auto Layout. And Auto Layout is essential these days.

Why wouldn’t it work in AL? It could just exactly work like all our workarounds or the current native AR-Lock in the inspector: set one dimension (height or width) to fill and the other one changes automatically to hug (better wording: “auto”) when the lock is enabled, keeping this exact aspect ratio at that very moment. Actually, the lock-button even wouldn’t be necessary anymore, just set the respective combo of fill & auto, and voilá! Setting both to auto, wouldn’t do anything, using fixed anywhere behaves just like it is now. Security precautions (maybe a confirmation) have to be taken for frames as AR-locked-scaling could yield unwanted results, but for shapes, I see zero problems with this behaviour.

But I guess we need more votes for this topic… (sigh)

When Aspect Ratio?

This could be it:

Setting the aspect ratio lock reveals additional controls and freezes the current aspect ratio:

Within Auto-Layout, note enabled “round pixel” button:

Setting height to fill, the width changes automatically to auto (bc AR lock is set):

Releasing the lock allows any combination of fill or fixed (what we have now), but with pixel rounding:

Of course min- and max-values can also be applied!

Bonus points for implementing “Percent” beside “Fill” and “Fixed”

Am I missing something?

Would absolutely love this! As others have mentioned we really want to be able to set the height or width to “fill” and then set the other direction to “auto” or “maintain aspect ratio” would help in so many places.

Just got Figma after reading of the death of XD. This is such an incredibly basic feature that I’m now questioning if Figma can really be that good. It’s like buying a new pair of shoes and discovering they didn’t come with shoelaces and you find a 3 year old thread where people are telling you you have to staple your shoes together cause shoelaces just aren’t a thing???

Does anyone know if other similar tools are able to do this properly?
