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Hey, i face a bug since there has been an update on the preserve scroll position behavior yesterday. By now the former preserve scroll position, which i had to set manually before is now set as default. So i don’t need to tick the box anymore.

But, in my protoype, although i expect now that the scroll position is preserved by default, it is not working correctly. From screen to screen my prototype is jumping to the top. I need to ship my proto today to the client and this is super annoying.

Anyone faces the same issue since yesterday? @Figma_Support can you roll back the feature? 🙏

Why is this not working anymore??? Very frustrating!

Works with the naming convention like {frameName}/1 {frameName}/2 but TBH I think it’s everything but intuitive!! Would never have figured it out.

And thanks [Rifqi_Aditya_Heryadi] for sharing the naming convention trick!

I too am having trouble!

Hello! I am new to figma and completed my first prototype about a month ago. I just tried to work on it and discovered the same issue. so i updated all the frames to have the same name. My issue is that my screens have back and next buttons, but it depends on the user flow… they need variants. I don’t know how to resolve this except trying the main frame name with a variation indicated by a forward slash ‘mainframe / variant 1’ if I am understanding correctly.

Really dig the shift to automatic scroll position retention, however naming frames the same thing is totally unsustainable.

  • Frame names are used to communicate state changes to our dev team

  • Frame names are used to search for unique states in our Figma files

  • Frame names are used to ensure exporting full flows is possible without saving over other exports.

  • Frame names are matched to labeled flow diagrams and now that’s impossible and prototypes are broken.

Please please revert to allow for differing names. Thanks!

The solution worked for me. However, this solution seems like a bug that needs to be addressed. This is not how the new state management should work.

I just noticed the vote Button is at the top of this page. Rock the VOTE! Roll Back the Feature!

Hi All,

I received a response from support, but unfortunately, it doesn’t address the issue with the frame naming convention. However, the explanation provided has given me a better understanding of how to accomplish my goals. I hope this helps some of you.

“Please make sure that the top frame’s names match? In order for top level frames to share scroll state, they need to have matching names according to nthis rule]”

I’m having the same issue, it makes the prototype seem broken. Please bring back the “Preserve scroll position” feature

Why would you change even bother messing around with one of the most used features in prototyping, this is a disaster, my prototype is acting all weird… Seriously, Why?

Please change it back to how it was, Thank You!

I’m having same issue - this update broke my prototype. It also introduced a bunch of hidden variant states that I don’t want. Please help!

C’mon Figma, this has been going on too long…


I’ve tried this and still can’t get my prototype to work 🙁

I’m having the same issue, and none of the above has resolved it 😦

So? @Figma_Support when are you rolling this back?? People’s jobs are literally depending on it. I have clients to present to and I look like an unprofessional idiot due to YOUR bug! Fix this already!!

Seriously! I’ve had to change my whole workflow. Naming frames the same doesn’t work and is impossible to use when you have many frames to prototype! @Figma_Support roll back to ‘preserve scroll position’ checkbox ASAP please. Your product is unusable

It is horrible ! 🙃

Just make it simple please “keep scroll position” (default checked) that I can disable if I need.

I don’t recall matching layer names ever being a requirement before when the option to 'Preserve scroll position" was offered in the interaction settings. There’s no date on that help article you linked to, so no way to know if this is new behaviour

Please vote on this topic at the top left on this page so they fix this issue

Is it possible to rollback the ‘preserve scrool position’ please?

Your new version is terrible…

Generally Figma’s new features have worked well… but this has bombed. It doesn’t work… why opt-out of describing what the user wants to do by unchecking a box then describing the opposite? Boggles the mind.

If you are making such a drastic change to something quite a fundermental – you need to make sure it works first!

I’ll keep an eye out for the next bug fix!

Agreed! Please roll back the feature. It’s super annoying that I can’t preserve the position of my prototype.

Yep, no matter what I try ( name / subname ) etc. a reset is happening. Figma needs to sort this out.

Same here. It doesn’t work at all.
