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Hey, i face a bug since there has been an update on the preserve scroll position behavior yesterday. By now the former preserve scroll position, which i had to set manually before is now set as default. So i don’t need to tick the box anymore.

But, in my protoype, although i expect now that the scroll position is preserved by default, it is not working correctly. From screen to screen my prototype is jumping to the top. I need to ship my proto today to the client and this is super annoying.

Anyone faces the same issue since yesterday? @Figma_Support can you roll back the feature? 🙏

Right – and all previous prototypes are retroactively broken. Lovely.

I don’t name my frames the same thing, I usually name them after the interaction that took place in the prototype and name the section after the feature.

This has really thrown a big wrench into my workflow, which I have yet to be able to solve even with all of the renaming suggestions.

I have built a large scale component library with page templates all using the naming conventions for component categorization (frame name ex. “Popup/Basic CTA”)

Ever since this update, when I try to use one of my popup components as an overlay on a page (frame name ex. “Home”), this interaction resets scroll position to the top of the page.

I’ve tried simply renaming the page and popup overlay frames, and this does not work for me.

Previously, all I had to do was check the box. Easy.

I could be doing something wrong here, but in my mind this issue is NOT SOLVED and I have no idea how to rename my entire library to make this work.

Hey Brian, I’m not sure I fully understand your setup and where you’re running into issues.

  • Are you linking to a popup with an “Open Overlay” interaction and that resets the underlying scroll position?

  • Or are you linking to another frame with a “Navigate to” interaction and it resets the scrolling there?

When you said you’ve tried simply renaming the page and popup overlay frames, I’m assuming it’s the later. Any way you could send me a screenshot of the file so I could take a look? Thanks!

Ridiculous from Figma, but your solution works. Thanks!

This needs to be higher! Your artboards need to have the same name. fixed this issue after spending hours doing everything else

I found a solution, maybe it will work for you too. My layers were auto layout frames. I converted them to a standard frame. (right click - frame selection) and it’s done 😃. It doesn’t jump to the top of the page anymore.

Nah this is CRAZY! It took me one hour to debug this and your solution works.

People here talk about the top layer having to be the same. Whatever that means. Just call it artboard ffs…

I literally duplicated my artboard and everything had the same name. Yet it didn’t preserve scroll. But as Figma automatically renames my new duplicated artwork, everything breaks.

Dear Figma team: I love you. But this needs to be fixed.

You can uncheck automatically renaming here
