Having the same issue. this is terrible. please fix this @Figma_Support
it’s not helpful if you have a bunch of frames that should be named the same according to this solution…
This new update has caused a lot of problem with scroll position for me, no matter if I use Smart Animate or Instant. It used to work very well before the update so this really feels like a downgrade. I hope it gets fixed in some way to work better because this has been frustrating.
Same here, the “reset States” options are unchecked, but still the scroll position isn’t preserved. The prototype worked fine before the update, is there a fix for this issue yet?
Preserving scroll positions still doesn’t work for me. The frames has identical names, the “reset scroll position” option is unchekcked.
Please fix this “reset scroll position” nothing I have done works, this is killing me and prototypes and user testing look so bad.
Please fix this, it’s so annoying. I can present a prototype like this to my client and much less run user testing with these bugs.
Same issue here! I tried naming the top layers the same, but it isn’t working. Please revert back!
So glad I’m not alone here! I can’t get preserve scroll position to come back no matter what I’ve tried. Please fix this bug immediately. Very disappointing.
Ok, so I didn’t realize, you have to name the outermost frame, so not any of the frames used in auto-layout, but the frame serving as your actual artboard needs to be named the same. Very confusing. A feature like this never should’ve dropped without a tooltip in the app explaining it very clearly—cause it’s not immediately clear.
I’m still not clear on it at all. Can someone explain what to do here? Mine is still jerking and flickering when i scroll. I’ve tried to email figma but no reply
Same issue here. Why would you change something that clearly allowed you to “do the thing” Now I can get this stupid prototype to work!!!
No way to do this as far I can tell. Prototyping in Figma is pretty cumbersome
So turns out the “parent” frames just need to be named the same to preserve the scroll position.
Having this issue too, it’s sort of broken my entire system and made it very difficult to use, despite it working before the update. “Reset scroll position” is unchecked, so why on earth is it resetting?! Extremely frustrating. Please fix this ASAP @Figma_Support
Considering I have around 1000 frames using popovers, renaming every single one really ISNT AN OPTION FIGMA.
For real? This is a MAJOR headache - if it wasn’t broke dont fix it@!!
me too. I opened a prototype from before and now the tab control I create out of two buttons moves and visually switches correctly, but the scroll position “keep” doesn’t work no matter if the new reset is on or off. It just always scrolls to the top of the screen. In fact it’s even worse now, because if you scroll to two different positions on each page, e.g. MODEL and ACTOR (the items in the tabs) then each page moves to it’s memorised scroll position, instead of “transferring” the scroll position from the current page to the next page. What is up with this?
Same issue, while all the namings are correct and matching.
Sometimes it does not reset the position completely, but jumps up or down by a few centimeters.
So this is a nice idea to save setting one checkmark - but then it does not work properly, because now I have to first prototype all frames so I can see the correct name in the interaction-dropdown and then name all frames the same just to preserve scroll position. I would rather have to set the checkmark each time, then loosing all my titles in the prototype and then having to guess which frame is which in the ‘navigate to’ dropdown.
Please undo this update or find a solution to fix it again.
Totally agree with you, it makes no sense naming all frames the same
Bring back the checkbox!
Hi all,
Thank you for all your feedback, we will pass along to our team! It would help us to investigate further if you can reach out our technical team and share your file : here .
Please also make sure to use your Figma account email, including a link to the file, and share it with support-share@figma.com as an editor on this file so the team can take a look.
- Please first try this workaround before reaching out the team here. As reminder, the issues are mainly related to the limitations with the new State management for prototypes update.
For most users, this is because the layers do not share matching names. In order for top level frames to share scroll state, they need to have matching names according to this rule .
=> Tips: for the frame naming, you can have different names but need to be identical before the ‘/’. (cf. screenshot)
- I also switched the topic as “Idea” - feedback", feel free to vote up so we can gauge the overall feedback from this new feature ⬆️, and edited the title as “Preserve Scroll Position - (please roll back the feature)”.
Thank you 🙂
Not sure why this was changed. This is very confusing. Can you please put it back to how it was? Preserve Scroll Position in the Prototype menu? Or please provide a video explaining how to get the same expectation.
When I select fixed the object disappears 😦
IS there a video explaining how to make this work?
Can some please explain how to Preserve Scroll Position in a Prototype. In bullet points or some form of step by step process? I have wasted hours trying to figure this out. Thank you!
Not working for me. The notion that we all need to come to a forum to figure out how to use this is a sign that something isn’t quite right.
Just adding my name to this list here! Figma, we NEED the preserve scroll position as an easy add. I got the frame renaming to work but this is such a silly thing! It takes much more effort to organize multiple frames using almost identical names (and having to RENAME things) than to click or unclick a box! I appreciate you all wanting this to be automatic but then just make it automatic without the frames needing the same names! Otherwise, the box was much more convenient.